[h2]Kishinami Hakuno[/h2] The news delivered over the radio was the exact opposite of what Hakuno had expected to hear. She came to a stunned stop as she stared at the device in her shaking hand, eyes wide. Slowly, she raised it closer to her mouth and spoke in a shaking voice, "...Sorry, I-I think I misheard. [i]Dozens[/i] dead?" How could that even be possible? What was happening over there for that death toll to still be rising? Weren't there a lot of Servants that should have been more than capable of taking on any threat? Was it the fake Kiara's doing? What was happening in Fusang? That shadow Servant she had summoned in the hospital room... the scene that she had been watching as they arrived... was it more of those fake Servants? Just how many had that monster summoned, under everyone's noses? Had she failed to protect everyone that badly? Anger and frustration broiled within Hakuno, tightly gripping the radio as she tried to make sense of everything. She had to keep cool. Losing her mind now would only upset Jason and the real Kiara. She had to keep her head and at least get those two to safety. And find some way to help Saber. "...Let's go," Hakuno muttered, resuming the retreat to the lobby. However, several patients barred their way, acting worryingly strange, "Um, excuse me, but there's an emergenc...y..." The way they looked at Hakuno's group... they weren't all there. And seemed ready to attack. This was incredibly problematic for several reasons. Hakuno could hardly count herself as a combatant; she was much better at blending into the background and slipping away before someone noticed, but against an actual opponent, her options were limited. And her few options were well and truly neutered when it was unwilling, sick puppets opposing her. "...Let's take the wrong way round," Hakuno suggested, eyes on the group as she willed the other two to back off.