[@LogantheCat] Lol thanks, it's actually the artwork for an obscure Hearthstone card. [img]https://gamepedia.cursecdn.com/hearthstone_gamepedia/thumb/3/34/Air_Elemental%2855549%29_Gold.png/200px-Air_Elemental%2855549%29_Gold.png?version=777207816c9b55786666a05ef54f505c[/img] Basically what Gentleman said; I'm trying to preserve at least some element of realism (so no mind control or telepathic powers), but if there's some way to use a bunch of scientific jargon to explain away an ability (like maybe hallucinogenic venom that makes a creature receptive to commands, instead of outright mind control) then it might slide. No harm in trying, though. Your suggestion might get taken and just get toned down a bit if I think it's too far out there.