[Center][h2]Vette[/h2][/center] “We’re going! Just one more...” I begin to hook up the wiring for the last bomb. [Center][h2]Hayden Twilight [/h2][/center] My tearful eyes turn red as I gather all of my power. I reach out with the Force, and the Sith Hunter Temari is not riding lifts into the air. With another roar of hatred, I begin to squeeze both my hands together, and the droid starts crumbling into a ball. I then pull it down in front of the generator as a makeshift shield. [Center][h2]Gavin Greshh[/h2][/center] It still surprised me how much raw power Hayden had, especially when properly fueled. That was one droid down. One more, plus a mess of drones to go. [Center][h2]Vette[/h2][/center] “Almost... done!” I finish the wiring and the bombs glow green. “Everyone get clear!”