[@Xaltwind] Dr.Drd is Salem's "Papa" to whom Salem harbors the kind of absolute loyalty that can only be born from abusive neglect. Salem's opinion of Rodias can be summed up by the following quotes, "I guess you're my step-dad. Are you going to leave me too?" and, "If I'm a good boy, will you stay?" It gets slightly worse because Salem recognizes the Player Characters as higher beings, so it's also a bit like the following: [img]https://pics.me.me/%3El-keep-screaming-but-god-doesnt-hear-me-35728753.png[/img] Funny note, Salem abuses their telekinesis and tends to travel by telekinetically dangling everywhere like a puppet, and if given the chance, will hover to, and rest on people's shoulders: [img]https://c8.alamy.com/comp/B4TK8T/bearded-middle-aged-man-wearing-glasses-with-cat-on-his-shoulder-B4TK8T.jpg[/img]