Sylvia pockets the money and hit list into the handy haversack and she answered Pylia, "I'm not sure. But if the lack of payment discourages them from continuing their vandalizing job, or taking any jobs from Erendal, then that's a good result. True, it will be harder to catch them red-handed, but I think the fact if we catch them continuing despite the lack of payment will speak volumes," She then pointed out, "Besides, if we tried to return the pay and note now, they would know that something's up since we already broke the seal on the cylinder. As of now, they might assume the noble's son is holding out on them. We'll also need the note itself if we want to compare writings and have the evidence to prove noble's son's guilt as well," When Shortfang mentioned Kor and Cera, she nodded and answered him thoughtfully, rubbing her chin still, "I do like that idea, but I think with important evidence like this, we might want to check and see if Shor is done with the politics first. We can speak with Cera and Kor if he's still not done,"