Kurisa listened to the Shinigami speak then closed his eyes once more before speaking "You seem to think that I care...let me ask you this. If all Squads and their Captains were to react to an attack outside of the Seireitei and leave the Seireitei undefended then what do you think would happen to it? let me answer that for you. The Seireitei would end up an easy target for an enemy to take, this would ruin everything for us...the Seireitei holds a great importance...that is why Squads have duties. As of right this second Squad 6 cannot do much as what is happening currently doesn't concern Squad 6...we do not arrest hollows...I already sent a small portion of our Squad out to the battle to aid where they can but Squad 6 serves as one of the final lines of defense...so...resume your spar...if Squad 6 is needed we will react..."