[right][h3]Zatticus, the Nosaurian Smuggler[/h3][/right][hr] [b]Name:[/b] Z. Zatticus Blackbark [b]Occupation and Affiliation:[/b] Freighter Captain [b]Description:[/b] Z. Zatticus Blackbark, a nut-brown skinned Nosaurian native of New Plympto, stands at a sturdy four foot five inches (four-six on a good day). Though maybe a little paunchier than he’d prefer, Zatticus is solidly built and strong despite his stature. He doesn’t keep up appearances, to say the least, maintaining a look he’d describe as “scruffy.” Some would call it slovenly. He has a rugged face, and in his younger years may have been an attractive prospect as a mate (to a fellow Nosaurian, that is). Zatticus keeps a blaster pistol holstered on his hip, a staple in his line of work, and he’s not a half-bad shot to boot. He’s a much better pilot though, and although his ship, the heavily modified freighter Hotspur, isn’t much to look at, he can coax a decent enough performance out of it. Zatticus isn’t one for speed in the air, though. Rather, he relies on good old fashioned cleverness and smuggler’s cunning, making use of the Hotspur’s mazelike interior to carve out an uncanny number of smuggler’s holds throughout the ship to transport the illicit goods that make up the most profitable bulk of his trade alongside his legal cargo. [hider=An Image][img]https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/wJ9DFynN0GatE8k8gKKJ9-SlCiCVZFnZjCaDOj-HiOs/https/comicvine1.cbsistatic.com/uploads/scale_medium/1/15455/459954-bomo.jpg?width=545&height=631[/img][/hider] [b]Background:[/b] Zyberio Zatticus Blackbark was hatched on New Plympto, one of a clutch of eight, and never longed for anything more than to get the hell off-world. A firm believer in cheating his way into success, Zatticus stowed away on his first of many starships at the not-so-tender-for-a-Nosaurian age of fourteen. What with most travel in the New Plympto system being highly local, he didn’t get particularly far, and wound up working odd jobs here and there on starbases in New Plympto and nearby systems. He cleaned starbases as a janitor, dismantled ships as a scrapper, hauled cargo as a dockworker, and more, for years, before finally getting his shot. His first job on a bona fide smuggling vessel was as a hired hand on a gunrunner ferrying arms and armor to fledgling resistance movements across newly occupied Imperial planets in the early years of the war. The work was incredibly dangerous and nearly got Zatticus killed more than once, but his ability to do his job and shut the fuck up around the authorities meant he was fast tracked into a more integral role on the ship. By the time the war ended, he was near fifty years old and had earned enough to strike out on his own. To that end, he bought a ship, a junker of a freighter and used his years of ad hoc mechanical and engineering experience to jury rig a more than functional vessel out of the thing. Naming it the Hotspur after an old fling, he took to the stars as a captain this time and flew where the credits flowed. That meant spice, guns, and gambling. You can give an old Nosaurian a new toy, but you can’t teach him new tricks