[color=c4df9b][b]Samantha Brisinggart[/b][/color][hr] Her breathing was ragged, her palms slick from sweat, her eyes seeing barely anything in the darkness of space. Yet she moved, guided by her instincts, seeing nothing but moving regardless, the hum of the engine the only thing she could hear. Lights, explosions filled the space outside, the reinforced glass of her canopy catching the light, seemingly glinting brilliantly with each blooming flower of fire. It was getting more and more dangerous every second. There was a large ship coming out of the shadow of the colony cylinder, probably a main battleship, or a capital class ship in her view, with dots of what she assumed to be smaller ships, but yet, no cannon fire, no hail of bullets came from them. It was only when she burst past the inner perimeter, slicing off another mobile suit's limbs, that she realized why that was. The perimeter mobile suits was too near her flight path. Any cone of fire they made right now would hit friendlies, and she was moving too fast for them to move out of the way properly. If she was to deviate right now, they would have an open line of fire without risking friendlies. It seemed to be only the perimeter firing at her at the moment, so the best course of action of course, was to head straight towards the colony surface. With a sharp angled turn, the Swansong streaked towards the colony surface, seemingly moving faster and faster. [hr]--Inside a certain battleship--[hr] He put the pipe within his mouth, more to reassure himself, than to actually smoke it. The pipe itself was still unlit, as he sat in the seat, looking at the long range visuals brought up on his smaller display. The signifer's message was simply responded to with a curt acknowledgement. Glory hounds were a dime a dozen, and most did not survive for long. Wars and battles, was like the ancient game of chess, a game he and a few other of the old dogs in the military still indulge themselves in every now and then. A single battle, could be won, with just a threat, by cutting off other routes, by making a single path look enticing to the opponent, before trapping them in a single maneuver. His vice captains cursing at the perimeter guards to move their asses out of the firing line was of no consequences; the firing cone would be effective, but far too late considering how fast the Tommies the perimeter guards were using, and how fast that thing seemed to move. Thus, the firing cone itself was not the game ending move, but the check. Regardless of whether it was an automated drone, or a human piloting it remotely, there was but one logical path to take; one that has the least danger of getting shot down. At the speeds at it was going, and the sheer thickness a colony wall has to be, it was bound to simply fragment itself on the colony wall if it collided with it. If it was a bomb, only the walls would be damaged. Walls can be repaired, another human, not so much. Obviously then, the check mate will be... [hr][color=fff79a]Freya Schwartzschild[/color][hr] [color=f7976a]"..r, moving in front of the colony walls, to ....cept the dr..."[/color] Freya sighed. Then they were to corner the interloper, and intercept them just outside the colony wall. Her team, plus any other mobile suits that followed to intercept the intruder. Then perhaps this would lead to the ceremony going undisturbed.