This strange, scaled girl was certainly making quite an impression to Kamiko, who had already written her off as someone unfit for sparring against. Unfortunate, but considering the kind of people that rained from the sky alongside her, she probably didn't have to worry too much about worthy partners. Even as the sword saint lamented Lila's presumed weakness, she at least had to admit that Lila was cute in her eagerness to impress. If the snake girl's actions were any indication though, Lila was unlikely to remain pure by the end of the day, so she might as well sneak her question in before that happened. "I would be interested in these challenges," Kamiko replied with a small smile. Her hand came to rest on the hilt of her standard katana, drumming her fingers against it, "if there's someone strong enough to withstand my blade... do I have your word that such a person exists in this world?" It would be a terrible shame to visit a completely foreign world, only to find she was just as unmatched here, after all.