[hider=Magical girl form] [img]https://www.anime-planet.com/images/characters/nero-yuzurisaki-17149.jpg?t=1375015205[/img] [/hider] As the final hits killed the creature, that just disintegrated away, the magical girl in yellow let go of the tree, which turned back into its usual tree. Around them the world started to change back to normal, as if nothing had happened, and the weird fizzing in and out of existence girl approached. The magical girl in yellow saluted her. [color=ed1c24]"Oi oi, hello there! It's all gone well again I see! Um, I have a request from all of you. I promised the other me some chocolate, but I ain't allowed to break the law for it. So um, someone buy me some chocolate or pass some money for chocolate before this all fades away? Pretty please? Help a homeless girl out!"[/color] She looked at each person there hopeful that one of them might help.