Janius slapped Fendros on the upper arm. "Meesei's right. Relax! At worst we'll fight some otherworldly creatures of Hircine's creation." He laughed as he pulled off his tunic. Fendros sighed into a smile. As he followed suit with the others transforming, he had the space in his mind to remember the last time they had hunted all together. They had fewer and fewer chances in recent years. A small surviving part of his old life before catching lycanthropy threw his whole situation into a brief moment of wonder. This had been his life for so long. It could all change tomorrow. That last thought lingered in the others as well. Thankfully, the worries and doubts were readily pushed aside by the excitement of hunting in a paradise for hunters. It would perhaps be an early glimpse into many hunts they would undertake as a pack in the far future, when they had all passed on. Perhaps Meesei would be there. This hunt would be special, just in case she would not make it. Shortly after transforming, Fendros felt a breath enter his lungs and, driven by a whim, he roared happily at the sky. Janius and Sabine each made their own noise in his wake.