Hi, I am not 100% sure if this is allowed on this section, and if not, I apologize; please just remove it and I won't repost it, of course. But I'm looking for a group to roleplay with, as all the rps I've been in died or went silent, and I'm really in the mood to write again. My favorite fandoms are My Hero Academia, Pokemon, Harry Potter, Tokyo Ghoul, and Final Fantasy, but I'm open to other stuff, too. (I've played in most common fandom settings, from One Piece to Teen Titans etc.) My main concern would be a friendly and relaxed group of players, who are also not lazy writers; I always feel like fandoms are often a bit elitist or one-liner-addled, so some sort of middle-ground would be swell. Also active groups (like at least weekly posts) would be super duper awesome. Again, apologies if this isn't the right place, just really itching to find a fun roleplay. If you have a home for a fellow weeb/nerd, please let me know. Thanks! <3