:lol I'm sure Elayra would appreciate that. The only thing ever NOT enough for me to work with--as far as I've come to know--is nothing. No forward action of even the smallest type. And there's plenty of that! As I've said, you wrote for him well, though there's no surprise there. :-) Oh my gosh. Ouch! Yep, if I wasn't sure before, I'm positive now that you've been completely infected by the writer bug. Us writers are crazy people who do even crazier things for the sake of knowing what our characters experience/do/etc. Know I've probably shared this before (it's kinda my go-to scene on this topic), but... [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBPHr0TGgBc[/youtube] Oh, and quick side note, I added that OOC update addition to the zeroth post here! Nothing really there yet, but hey.