[color=#b97703]“Not so much lately,”[/color] Caspian shrugged in answer to Iris’s question, rubbing the back of his neck with one hand. [color=#b97703]“I’m usually too busy during the day. That’s why I go out late.”[/color] Between his mandated studies and the responsibilities he often had to take over for his father, he rarely had time to himself when the sun was out. The past two days he’d spent with her had been some of the most relaxed he’d had in at least two weeks. However, he hadn’t given up on enjoying life just yet. The capital night life was where he rebelled against his encroaching fate. Even if it meant not getting a full night of sleep, he was determined to get out of his family’s manor whenever he heard about parties and other late night events that sounded fun. Thinking about it now, he wondered how much longer the calm would last before the storm. It wouldn’t have been surprising to find out that he had to make an appearance somewhere or read something about the state of the nation tomorrow. That was yet another reason why he hoped Iris got her memory back soon. He couldn’t keep her entertained forever, especially when he usually didn’t have this much free time. As much as he would have liked to keep going about every day as carefree as they had been, his father needed him to pick up some of the jobs that came with being the heir to the crown. Walking down the hallway that led to the Maydestone family’s enormous garage, Cas glanced at her. [color=#b97703]“I also just prefer to drive myself,”[/color] he chuckled amusedly. [color=#b97703]“I’ll take any chance I can get to sit behind the wheel instead of in the backseat.”[/color] Since the capital was so heavily fortified, he could often travel without bodyguards or chauffeurs, but occasionally, he had to endure the inconvenience of additional security. His father never went anywhere without multiple trained guards. Knowing he would one day have to step into the king’s shoes, he took advantage of every personal freedom he had left before it was swiped out by the requirements that came with being the next monarch. When they reached the garage, the prince led Iris over to his car and helped her fit her crutches into the backseat. Enjoying the opportunity to be a gentleman, he also opened the door for her to sit in the passenger side before he circled around to get in the driver’s seat. As he started the ignition, his dark eyes flicked to the gauges on the dashboard. It looked like one of the family servants had charged the electric vehicle’s battery since he’d brought it back yesterday. [color=#b97703]“Alright,”[/color] he grinned, turning on the stereo and setting up a [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=adQenPwt2JI][color=aba000]song[/color][/url] he liked. [color=#b97703]“Let’s get out of here.”[/color] Navigating his way out of the building, he drove the car out to the private road that led to the gate. [color=#b97703]“What do you think? Windows up or down?”[/color] he asked, turning briefly to Iris with a mischievous expression. [color=#b97703]“We’ll be taking the highway, so we can go pretty fast. The police know my plate number. They won’t pull us over.”[/color]