I made an attempt to post this yesterday, but my internet decided to crap on itself. Worry not, I trusted on the autosave to preserve the message. Actually, worry all you want, because it did not. Lovely. I suppose my browser settings must have eliminated it from existence. Or it remained unused for too long, which is also possible and even likely, though why would it display it at the bottom of the screen as a saved draft then? I digress. As I had intended to say back then, to avoid an entire post of noncontent I shall share OOC what you find on this new path. The passage ends soon after turning towards North-West, the otherwise dead end featuring a rope ladder descending from above. It appears to end at an obstacle of some sort, though it doesn't quite look like stone as some light is making its way through. A rug? Kyra made no notes of movement in the area she guarded. So now the question is, do you climb the rope ladder and if you do, in what order? If you do not, do you head back the way whence you came, or will you head East to see what's over there instead? [@Zverda][@Ryonara][@Lucius Cypher][@Norschtalen][@The Harbinger of Ferocity]