The bath was very... Rushed, to say the least. Quickly moving her hands and arms to brush off the yucky stuff, the druid hurried as best as she could to minimize the time spent in this none-too-pleasant-temperature stream. After a few minutes, at the most, the absolute worst and most of the undesirable gunk was washed off, and with a deep breath, sudden quick full-body dip, and resurfacing with a loud gasp - her bath was finally over! With as quick of movements as she could, she waded back to the shore, making sure to cover her chest up with her arms as it left the obscuring water. With a slight huttering, she moved over to their little makeshift camp and plopped herself down next to the other girl, and the fire. That sweet, sweet fire... An expression of relief and content spread across her face as she sat infront of the heat-spewing flames, feeling the smokey warmth against her skin. She watched the other girl dry her hair in a dangerous way, which worried her a bit. "Would you like me to braid your hair for you? It might be easier to move about without it getting in the way, plus I think it'd look quite cute, right?" She offered and suggested, looking over at the lizardman for confirmation about the latter part. Still, when he stated that he didn't want to be called 'lizzie-poo', the druid feigned disappointment, letting out an elongated [i]aaaaaawww~![/i] as if she would miss not being able to use the pet-name for him anymore. Truthfully though, she had only called him this because it was [i][b]so[/b][/i] unfitting and cutesy, while he was overbearingly large and masculine - the clash of concepts made for a fun contrast. Still, she didn't want to anger or offend the big guy, so she'd have to come up with something else for the future. At the mention of what to do next, and the suggestion of the nighttime patrol-quest, the druid didn't say much. She was more focused on getting dry and getting her clothes back on - even if they weren't all that clean. She'd have to wash them properly back in Palisade Town, and take a real bath in an inn or the local bathhouse tomorrow. For now, she'd just suck it up and put the dirty things back on once she wasn't drenched with stream-water anymore. She did, however, perk up at the archer's mention of boundless energy and not needing to sleep anytime soon. "I suppose we should get ready to go then. If we're not back by sundown, the gates will be shut and locked, and we'll not just miss out on the quest but have to stay out here all night." The girl said, now finally feeling dry enough to start putting her garments back on - with her back turned to the other two, obviously. Still, the sun had sunk even lower since they came to the stream to bathe. If they didn't make a bit of a hurry, they really would have to stay under the stars for the night. As such, once she and her compatriots were all set and dressed, she helped put out the campfire and make sure nobody had left any luggage or possessions around the campsite, before grabbing her own things and joining in on the trek back to the town's eastern gate. Plan now? Get through the gates, head to the Guild, hand in the parchment and get their reward, as well as give a report on how the mission went and THEN, hopefully take on the patrol duty if nobody else had claimed it. Yup, them's the plan.