The conversation was going increasingly away from what Nautilus would consider to be interesting, and thus he became increasingly unattached to the conversation. He slowly moved himself away from the area where the conversation was taking place, and looked around instead. He found Ebil sitting by a tree, apparently having the same concerns. Nautilus then walked toward Ebil and sat to his right. "Hi, erm, what is your name again?" Nautilus tried to open the conversation but completely forgetting Ebil's name. "It seems we're being reduced to mere unimportant characters for the time being. Unless we regain their attention or start a side plot, I don't know what will happen to us," he said. The words 'side plot' referred to them going through the front entrance. He felt it was urgent for someone to go through the front gate, but nobody was taking action. Perhaps if he and Ebil started it, others would follow or at least notice them. [i]If NPCs, or 'Guild natives' to be more politically correct and all-encompassing, disappear when they were not plot-important, who can guarantee that the roleplayers would not follow the same fate? We were indeed plot-important some moments ago, but not everyone could be important forever, right?[/i] his argument went inside his head.