[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191122/9a7db018ecac5740bf19a5050e5939ed.png[/img][/center] [color=goldenrod]Time:[/color] Dawn [color=goldenrod]Location:[/color] ??? [color=goldenrod]Interactions:[/color] No One [hr] [i]Lavender scents enveloped the air around her as she ran and giggled like the school girl she had never been, honeysuckle and Wisteria could seen in the distance, their beautiful smells enrapturing anyone whose nose they touched to simply stay in this veritable paradise of flowers. Odd looking butterflies suckled sweet nectar out of Frangipani, Sweet Alyssum, and Sweet Peas, their colors a rainbow beneath Elenei's bare feet as she ran. The Blue flower she kept in her chest pocket was precious to her, but it had nothing on the sheer olfactory gorgeousness of the Gardenias and Lily-of-the-Valley's that filled the air with an otherworldly smell. It was if some being from out of this plane of existence had come to grant her nose alone with a pure symphony of flavor and fragrance-- that is to say nothing of the rainbow of color these flowers produced beneath and around her-- the likes of which... someone like Elenei... Did she deserve this? She shook her head internally-- she [b]needed[/b] this. And she was going to pluck the most beautiful flowers of all if it killed her. Her smile widened as the two nymph like figures ran ahead of her, [color=goldenrod]"Come t' mama me wee beauties!"[/color] Even in this idyllic setting, despite her relatively unblemished appearance her voice was rough from years of tokes of who knows what, yelling on ships and repeated punches to the throat in bar fight. But she knew her little flowers wouldn't mind someone a little rough around the edges. She picked up the pace. As she did, one of the nymphs came into sight-- she knew this one would be easier to catch, she was dressed to have her skirt actually look like a flower. This isn't to say that the smokey Captain Nightingale wasn't also a flower with sweet nectar-- in fact, hers may have even been more elusive. But for the moment, Elenei's eye's gleamed with lust as she almost caught up with her sweetest Nur. Her heart was about ready to explode out of it's chest-- when suddenly-- A gentle pair of arms wrapped themselves around Elenei, blocking out all other scents with those of rum and the kitchen. Elenei, eyes as big as tea saucers, went stiff (and not in the good way), her body refused to move aside from the occasional twitching finger and she broke into a cold sweat. An eyepatched woman, beautiful in her own right, kissed Elenei on the cheek. She shivered. As the human moved her face to meet the gnome's, she held her shaking face in delicate, but simultaneously rough hands. It felt as if all of Elenei's blood was cold and her heart had stopped. She couldn't put her finger on why-- she realized too late this was all a dream, and as Winifred moved to kiss Elenei could only get out a confused [color=goldenrod]"Winnie?"[/color][/i] [hr][hr] [color=goldenrod]Time:[/color] Dawn [color=goldenrod]Location:[/color] The Mermaid's Fortune [color=goldenrod]Interactions:[/color] [@Tae] - Adrielle, [@FunnyGuy] - Malek, [sub]Kinda [@dreamingflowers] - Nur[/sub] The kiss had tasted like sailor's foot and pistachio shell, in case you wanted to know. Elenei's guess as to why? Oh probably the sailor above her, dangling his foot from his hammock near the vicinity of El's mouth, casually chucking the shells, as if trying to clog her windpipe with them. Elenei was up in an instant, still in her underclothes, [color=goldenrod]"Hey, ye fuckin' dastard, want t' fight?"[/color] She didn't go for her sword, knowing full well the taboo of killing a crewmate-- but there was no rule against knocking some sense into someone who just ruined a perfectly good dream. The bronzed man got off his hammock slowly-- Sun Elf, fairly well built, clearly the type who wanted to prove the myth that all elves were the tall and lanky types wrong. But he was tall, he barely fit in the cabin-- that would work for her if it came to blows. He hit the wood with a thud and turned slowly, he had an unkempt mop of pink hair that kept his eyes hidden. He got one good look at who was calling him out and his frown became a full on scowl. "Elenei, really?" He scoffed, he knew her reputation well enough, good. She was fairly familiar with him too. Still confident she could beat him. She gave back an exaggerated scoff at his, [color=goldenrod]"Yes really! Ye jus' ruined a perfectly good dream,"[/color] She stretched a bit, [color=goldenrod]"'Sides, nah really mornin' wit' a good bit o' sparin' right?"[/color] He sighed. "Always did want to wipe that smug look off your face," He assumed a fighting stance foreign to her, probably some sun elf shit, "When Malek comes down on us I'm blaming you." Wordlessly, Elenei began to control her breathing, [i]In-Out-Out[/i] like she had learned at prison in Aelvale, and got down low, all fours, preparing for an attack. A few bunks overs, a few sailors shirking their duties had began to gather, two, still in their bunks, even began to place bets. "I give him 2 minutes" The other shook his head, "Two kicks and he's off to Nur, I give him 30 seconds tops" Elenei figured she could just do a sweep on him and end it, but the foreign fighting stance was an unknown, and he was probably expecting that from her... she'd have to go with something different. As she thought, the Sun Elf had enveloped his fists in orbs of hard light and began to punch at Elenei.Had she not dodged, things may have been catastrophic, the single punch left the deck broken, splintered and smokey. As she did though, she saw her opening-- he had bent down to punch, a mistake he'd soon regret. From her animalistic position Elenei shifted her weight onto on arm, and used her momentum from there like a spring to launch herself toward the Sun Elf's head. With a midair spin she kicked him straight in his temple once, and then again with the heel of her other foot. The light almost immediately left the Sun Elf's eyes-- and fists, as he fell with a another thud in the dimply lit cabin, drooling next to the hole he had so graciously decided to make in the deck. Elenei landed rather awkwardly, on her back, with yet another loud thud-- she never planned *this* part out so much. Still, the thrill of a fight in the morning gave her excitement, even if this one was a bit of a disappointment. This guy would be a beast if he'd train up a little more. He clearly has the raw strength, Elenei observed, she'd love to fight him again when he got stronger! As she stood up, still in her underclothes, she turned to the gambling onlookers, raking in their winnings, [color=goldenrod]"Oi you lot!"[/color] She might not be First Mate but she still held seniority, damnit, [color=goldenrod]"Get this man to Nur, he might 'ave concussion,"[/color] Her were still friendly, even as she said this, but from the sound of it-- they were already pushing off, which she was kind of kicking herself for sleeping through. [color=goldenrod]"The rest of ya's-- find something to do, we're setting sail!"[/color] With that, Elenei finally got changed, a proper flashy piratey mockery of all the Upper class in the world stood for. She was hungry, and could probably flirt her way into getting Winnie to make something for her if she really tried... but something about that dream. Best stick to duties for now, and Cap would probably want to know that their navigator was on the ship since they'd be on open ocean soon. No sooner than she was upperdeck did she Captain Nightingale and Malek at the helm, she also saw Nur tending to some of the newer sailor suffering from sea sickness-- were Elenei a weaker woman, she'd have immediately been under Nur's thrall, prepared to do whatever the woman asked of her-- [b]were she a weaker woman[/b]. LUCKILY as a Gnome she has the guidance of all 777 gods giving her strength at all times, she was able to avoid the allure of that woman, and fall instead, into the arms of another. So she made her way to the helm to stand beside the two, she was a bit curious as to why they were pushing off so early anyway. [color=goldenrod]"Hay Cap,"[/color] She gave restrained nod, trying (and failing) not to stare too long, [color=goldenrod]"Hay Malek,"[/color] This interaction was much more normal, [color=goldenrod]"Awfully sweet o' ya t' nah expect me awake 'til we're in open ocean."[/color]