[@Fabricant451] Isn't it just the slightest touch ironic to feign offense over not being @'d and then not do it yourself? [quote=@Fabricant451] If you wanna keep on misrepresenting my very obvious point of "if you haven't experienced something yourself, your opinion on it critically is about as useful as screen doors on a submarine." [/quote] You literally can't, or haven't, been reading a lick of my writing have you? <.< Okay, I'll be blunt and simple, so you understand me and continue to pretend to misunderstand better. The only two arguments you had, and why both are wrong. 1. I can't say anything about pokemon, because I don't own it/play it myself. (I watched my roommate play it and comment about it directly. Then I posted about it. He then bought it for me. So I not only *firsthand* watched it be played, I played the goddamn thing myself. How incapable can one person be at making a timeline or basic inferences?) 2. You can totally accept criticism. (You spent this much time lambasting accurate observations made by my roommate. By pretending they couldn't be his comments. So yeah, malarkey.) [hr] [@Dolerman] [i]*God another person hiding behind a new name. But since it's starter packs, I can give it a guess.*[/i] [i]*And I'm almost stunned by how inaccurate and lame a meme can be at the same time.*[/i] Fine, I'll bite...Uh, Relevance? Cuz, even pretending this about the previous conversation, that I might need to remind others that I'm not apart of. The critics are about the [i]*lack*[/i] of diversity, (in the removed features from previous games/national dex), technically speaking. Social/Politically. We have...things I don't recognize or care about. The Joker, which was literally a pro-Antifa/class warfare movie at worst, or more likely just a movie about mental health. And the only 'relevant' thing about social justice that I can conjure up, is Anita Sarkeesian, making whatever few defenders she had left criticizing/dismissing her shitty take about the new dumb star wars show on Disney Plus. [hr] Because I can only imagine how stupid the replies are going to be. I'll post something my brother showed me that might actually be fun. (Even if it's also not entirely on topic) The video is mildly amusing, so I don't know, check it out I guess. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/larianstudios/divinity-original-sin-the-board-game