At his response, Lucien could not help but let out a laugh. [color=burlywood]"[i]Me?[/i] Shouldn't it be the other way around? I'm quite tired you know?"[/color] He joked, though by now he was feeling much more awake than before. Faolan felt.. different to him now. Less strained, more free. It was clear he was being a lot more relaxed and carefree right now, which made Lucien quite happy. Things had changed, for the better. [color=burlywood]"You know, I've always found it quite adorable when you get all red like this, what's running through your mind, hmm?"[/color] He teased, shifting his hand to move some strands of hair from Faolan's face. Over the years he had learned that he actually did quite enjoy teasing the Irishman, even back when they were drinking he knew just what to say to get the man a little riled up, and he could tell Faolan was at least a little excited at the moment. He could feel it, but he was trying not to focus too much on it. He knew he'd have to get up soon, at least to get downstairs and make a quick telephone call to the bookstore, but not yet. He still had a bit of time until he had to.