[color=E5D0FF][CENTER][h3][b]E L I[/b][/h3][/CENTER][/color] [hr] Eli was surprised to hear Archie give the woman in the videos a name. She turned her head to look at him. He'd just come back from chasing after the angry girl. As he raised his hands she immediately looked to see that there was a fresh burn mark on one of them. Had that come from the steaming spit girl? What was that girl's deal? The friendly girl didn't give Radvi a chance to answer Eli's questions. She instead asked the exact question Eli considered asking Misters Black and White- after Radvi explained himself. Although, Eli hadn't thought of asking if there were files on the woman. She had to have gotten aboard The Promise somehow. When Misters Black and White remained silent, Radvi began to speak. Eli looked to him, crossing her arms. [i]Now[/i] she would get her answers. [i]No file?[/i] Her eyes darted to Helmet. [i]Did they sneak on board in similar ways? How many others have come aboard The Promise without permission?[/i] She pursed her lips and twisted them to the side, but she quickly dropped the expression and looked back at Radvi. Eli's eyebrow rose higher and higher as Radvi revealed the blue goop's analysis. She'd never heard of an ability like this. It was hard to believe that every cell could act on its own in her body. Would Eli's ability even stand up to that? She swallowed as a twinge of fear manifested in these thoughts. If she ever saw this woman in person, it would take all of her strength to ward her off. The idea of multiple wires decaying by acid threw up a red flag. This woman couldn't have produced the acid on her own. Had she placed the acid there before and somehow released it at the same time? Was there someone else on the boat that was working with her? There's no way this lady could control every cell in her body [i]and[/i] spit acid everywhere. That kind of parahuman shit just wasn't possible... right? Radvi removed his techy glasses, producing a small chip from them. He began to explain exactly what the chip did; this also explained why Eli thought he looked so faraway in thought when he wore them. It wasn't surprising that he hadn't found Arianna. The bitch was laying a low as she could get, and she probably spread out every part of her body to make it harder for the sensors to pick up her source. Eli pressed her lips together, her shoulders tensing as she thought of her. She was the reason her friend was murdered. The reason 300 people lost their lives. She watched Radvi give a chip to Helmet, and she expected him to say her name next. She sat straighter and outstretched her arm, her palm laying flat open by the time Radvi turned towards her. Her eyes met Radvi's as he gave her the chip, and she nodded before she quickly turned her focus onto it. As soon as he explained what to do with it, Eli pulled out her phone from her pocket and inserted the chip. [i]Time to catch a murderer.[/i] The program initiated before Radvi could even mention it. She looked up as he explained what would happen if the woman came into range. [i]Make as much noise as possible. [b]Maximum[/b] volume.[/i] She bit her bottom lip. Would playing a loud song from her phone be enough? No, no, she'd have to find a way to make more noise. Perhaps she had something up her sleeve. Misters Black and White broke their silence, but were quickly interrupted by another security officer [i]booking it[/i] towards the table. [i]Oh, right. Helmet isn't supposed to be casually sitting in a mall.[/i] In fact, he almost looked disappointed that his time out in the open was over. Where did this guy hide? Was he always up above, watching and observing? What was his goal on this ship? These were things Eli thought of as she watched him make his getaway. The security officer stopped to confront Radvi and Eli recognized his face. She sunk lower in her chair, hoping that he didn't notice her at the table. Radvi said his goodbyes, and before Eli could say goodbye he was gone. Misters Black and White also disappeared in their usual fashion. Now it was just the lovebirds and the smart girl that remained at the table. Eli looked back at her phone, taking a deep breath before she put it in her pocket. It would let her know if the woman was nearby. Until then, Eli would have to wait. She looked at her food, but had no appetite left for it. So, she simply took one more bite before pushing it away from herself. Her attention returned to the three before her. What were they thinking? What should she do now that Radvi and the rest had gone? Would they even bother talking to her more? Or was this her cue to leave as well? [i]Fuck it. I need to make friends if we are to work together.[/i] "You guys must be pretty unlucky, huh? I mean, in your first week you came across a murder. I've been here for four years now and I've never experienced something like that." She brushed the stray hairs back from her face, glancing between the three of them. "I hope your friend is okay. She seemed pretty upset when she left." That reminded her of the burn on her new friend's hand, and she turned to look at Archie. "Is your hand okay? It looks like you should run it under some cold water."