The feeling of the ship beginning to move was of some comfort to Maira. Moving meant they' were on their way to being off this blasted rock, and that meant soon she would be safe from whoever was hunting her... Until they found her again. Maira knew that there was really nowhere in the galaxy that she could hide forever. One day they would find her, and the process would just keep repeating over, and over, and over again until the day she died. She was doomed to live her entire life running away like a coward, constantly looking over her shoulder, wondering when the big bad monsters were going to get her. [i]A fine example of the Jedi indeed.[/i] She scoffed a little at her own situation, but there wasn't much use in dwelling on depressing, nerve wracking thoughts. Right now, she was just hoping that they made it out of the atmosphere and got properly on their way before anyone noticed she'd disappeared. There was a knot forming in her stomach, but she was trying to ignore it. It was just nerves. Nothing was going to happen, she was just nervous. No sooner had those thoughts crossed her mind, the ship started slowing down. And then it stopped. The knot in her stomach was getting harder to ignore, and only grew worse when muffled voices started talking outside of the compartment they'd stashed her in. No one sounded overly hostile at the moment, thankfully, but there were distinct sounds of people stomping around. No doubt there were stormtroopers going on a "random" search of the vessel. Because why wouldn't they? Bloody perfect. Maira could sense their movements and knew that they had missed the compartment. She started to get hopeful that maybe they wouldn't find her and would just move on. But of course, as the universe would have it, she wouldn't be so lucky. A new presence entered the vessel, one which instantly sent a feeling like shards of ice racing up Maira's spine. She had a very, very bad feeling about this. Whoever this new person was, they were a force user. The air around her started to reek of a very particular aura that could only belong to someone affiliated with the dark side. It's stench was unmistakable, and it made her recoil a bit as if the air itself could cause harm. There was also something else to this new presence. It was warped, wicked, and it was impossible not to be aware of the brutal intent radiating from it, but it was also familiar. Somewhere under the layers of ice and darkness, the presence whispered to Maira that they had met before. Then it started approaching at an alarming rate, coming straight towards the compartment where she was hidden, and she rested a hand on her lightsaber. Whoever they were, they knew she was here. There was the sound of a panel opening, and then a few moments later the wall separating her from the rest of the ship contorted and whined, then was ripped away, leaving her completely visible to all who stood there. Time seemed to stand still as Maira locked gazes with the black figure of the inquisitor, staring them down as if she were trying to see into their very soul. Which, she was. Maira knew this person, whoever they were, and frankly it was driving her insane. She had half a mind to think of something sarcastic to say, but before her mouth could open, the pilot of the ship attacked one of the stormtroopers and time resumed. Tings were going to get messy. The lightsaber in her hand blazed to life, glowing a pale green, and she quickly dashed to get herself into a position that left her less cornered and vulnerable. As long as she stayed in that compartment, she was practically a sitting duck waiting to be chopped in half. As soon as she was standing fully upright, Maira turned to face the inquisitor. Her lightsaber was held in a defensive posture. “I don’t suppose there’s any chance you’ll just… Leave and pretend this never happened?”