Name: Aaron McScott Age: 32 Profession/vocation: Mercenary/Man-for-Hire/’Criminal’ Affiliation: N/A Skills: -Educated; a result of the questionable circumstances of his birth. -Skilled brawler; was trained as a boxer during his time in the Navy. -Tinkerer; Aaron likes to fiddle with gadgets, and has found he has a knack for repairing clocks and other small gadgets. He also has a fascination with explosives and other more destructive inventions. -Ex-Navyman; Having served in His Majesty’s Royal navy for nineteen years, Aaron knows how to handle himself in a fight. He’s skilled with a sword, and knows how to use a pistol or musket if he has to. -Public Speaker: Aaron has a knack for inspiring those around him, and was occasionally used to boost morale by ships’ captains during long sea voyages while he was in the Navy. Traits: -Outgoing -Easily amused -A bit of a clown, but serious when the situation demands it. -Stubborn - he likes to hold grudges. -Very strongly opinionated. Personality: Aaron is an easygoing, outgoing fellow - he’s always quick to offer a smile and a nod to those he passes in the street, and will almost always go out of his way to help those he deems in greater need than he. He’s stubborn, and will always stick to his morals; and, God help anyone who gets on the wrong side of him - he’ll do everything in his power to ensure that they regret making the decision to cross him. However, born a bastard of a well-off nobleman, and denied the privileges that he would have had, had his parents’ union been legitimate, Aaron harbours a resentment for the nobility - and, ultimately, the monarchy. He deems the King and his Government unfit to run the United Kingdom, and is a strong believer in democracy - a belief that could possibly get him hung, if he was too vocal about it. Biography: Aaron was born as a result of the illegitimate union between his mother, Nancy Scott - a serving wench in a Kingstone waterfront tavern - and his father, Lucian McLawrence - a highly respected, decorated and recognised nobleman and a high-ranking member of His Majesty’s Royal Navy. Lucian was a charming, kind-hearted fellow - who had the misfortune of being married to a woman whom he hated, and who was - in his own words - “committed to making his life a living hell.” Aaron never knew his father, but his mother - still smitten, even though she had been left to raise a child on her own at the tender age of nineteen - always spoke of him fondly. Lawrence’s wife forbid him from ever meeting Aaron, but he [i]did[/i] send - and continue to send, until Aaron’s eighteenth birthday - more than enough money for Nancy to provide Aaron with a comfortable upbringing if she continued working a few nights a week; something she was eternally grateful for, as she knew many women in the same position as her who did not receive the funds that she did. Although his father was painted as a saint by his mother, Aaron despised him - and hated that, as he was always told, that he had his blonde hair and blue eyes. A troubled and angry child, Aaron was nothing but trouble for his loving, kind-hearted mother - whom he cared for greatly, even if he never showed it. When he was thirteen, Aaron’s mother received a letter from Lawrence - requesting that Aaron join the Navy, and serve on his father’s vessel for a three-year long voyage. Aaron outright refused his father’s offer, but, with some persuasion from his mother, he was convinced to agree to join the Navy and serve on his father’s vessel; and bid his mother farewell in the sixth month of his thirteenth year. Aaron served on his father’s vessel - one of the largest in His Majesty’s Navy - for three years, sailing around the world and doing battle with the United Kingdom’s enemies; and it was one of the best experiences of his life. When he returned home - no longer a troublesome boy but a disciplined young man - he was met with the sad news that his mother - always a fragile woman, although she’d never had admitted it - had passed away during his time away from home. He was devastated, and arranged for his mother to be buried in a nearby cemetery after a few weeks of drunken grieving. Aaron immediately went back to the docks - and, now recognised as a relatively skilled sailor - and was hired on to another of His Majesty’s Vessels, and spent the next sixteen years of his life sailing around the world, serving the Navy. Aaron rose through the ranks quickly (partially due to his father’s influence, behind the scenes, but mostly because of his own talent) and was at the rank of First Mate when he discharged himself from the Navy three months into his thirty-second year, upon his return to Kingstone from a particularly long seavoyage.