Hello there, I'm rivaan here, can call me Riv if you'd wish. Maybe you've seen my ICs before, maybe we've Rped in the past or maybe we've never crossed paths. Doesn't matter. I'm searching for a RP or two to fill out my RPing schedule. Before everything else some rules and guidelines. -Must be 18+, I'm an adult and prefer to RP with adults. Expect gore, hard language, cursing and all that. -Can RP via PMs or a thread, depending. -Smut will NOT be the focus of the RP. There could be some, but not much. I want the story to progress. If you are looking for a smut focused RP you've arrived at the wrong place. -If I see something I do not like I will call you on it. Things like furries and some other kinks for example. -I expect at least 2 paragraphs for a post. Could be more could be sometimes less, but most of the time 2 is the minimum. No one liners here. -I would prefer it to NOT be a one post per week kind of RP. At least every other day if it's possible. Sometimes I'm busy, sometimes you will be busy, it happens, but 2-3 post a week should be the norm. Sometimes with many posting back to back during lucky days of course. -If you do not like something within the RP, talk to me, we shall see if we can figure something out. -If you need to leave the RP or lose interest, just say it. I will not hold it against you. Let's separate on friendly terms, don't just drop off the face of the Earth. -I will try to keep on time for posting, but if I haven't replied within 2-3 days after your post feel free to poke me. I will be doing the same. Sometimes RP get burried within other things to do, it's understandable. -Do not post in this Interest Check, PM me. -I mostly play Female characters, but do can play Male as well. Still I prefer to play Female characters better. I can do FxF or FxM. -Also no RPing from first person, I find it slightly weird and would prefer for my partner to not use it either. -Some knowledge of the source materials would be nice, but not going to be nitpicky about stuff within reason of course. So this is I think on the rules front. Now onto the more important thing. As the name might suggest this is an IC based around animes/manga fandoms. No canon characters for the players though, all OCs here. The canon characters can be in the story, but we should be focusing on our own characters and stories. I will list out some of the settings I'm looking for, though even among those we can go with the paralel to the original source, alternate version or maybe a different time period from the one in the source. So Animes/mangas I'm currently interested on(List to be expanded at a later date as I think it up.): -Naruto -Bleach -One Piece (ohh wow the holy anime trinity O_O!) -Claymore( Wow now that's something not as popularized pretty good though) -Berserk( maybe... not completely sure how to proceed with this as setting though. Will need adapting) -Robotech/macross( Someone bring out the time machine! But hey it has aliens and trasnforming mechas) -FATE series( Stay night, UBW, HF,Zero and so on) -Fullmetal Alchemist -Madlax,Noir, El Cazador De La Bruja (listing these at once since despite the different settings they are similar in quite a few ways. Guns, mysteries, some magical elements, action and spy/merc escapades!) -To be added later as I can continue to list all the animes I've ever watched, but then I'd have hundreds more listed here and that's a wee bit overkill... probably. Okey if you've read till here neat! If you reach out great, if not, I thank you for the time spent and wish you a great time reader!