[Center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/627389932335529985/643301012743913513/image6.jpg?width=375&height=375[/img] [color=F0E68C][h2]September 9th | Memorial Service | NYC / NY | 20XX With [@Cio][/h2][/color][/Center] [color=F0E68C]Dink! ...?[/color] It felt like someone lightly flicked her; Despite her shorter stature, Lindy hadn't budged from where she was standing. Rather she turned with a somewhat confused expression; A single eyebrow raised at the taller girl that had apparently bumped her. Her hair was such a unique color that Lindy actually just stared at her through the apology, not realizing that could have come off as a bit rude, or maybe intimidating. As she finished, Lindy offered a small smile, shaking her head. [color=F0E68C]"It's no problem, don't sweat it."[/color] She replied, eyes momentarily wandering awkwardly towards the ground: Her eyes catching sight of something on the ground. It wasn't [i]tiny[/i] but whatever it was it wasn't there when she walked over here. At least she thought so? With a small [sub][color=F0E68C]"'Scuse me~"[/color][/sub] Lindy stepped around the taller girl, wincing as a man passing by almost stepped directly on her grounded target. Thankfully he narrowly avoided it so Lindy could bend over and pick it up, glancing at it with utter confusion for what it was, before standing upright and turning on her heels to face the girl that bumped her. [color=F0E68C]"Uhm..."[/color] Lindy bit her lip, feeling slightly awkward if just for a moment; If she was wrong about this it'd just be weird, right? But if it was hers it was better than it wasn't spending time on the ground getting crushed. Whoever dropped it wouldn't appreciate that, she figured. So regardless it was safe if the owner came looking for it. Hopefully she wouldn't have to wait around to see if someone else lost it though. Exposing the small item in her hand, Lindy spoke up: [color=F0E68C]"Did'ja drop this?"[/color] A simple question, kind of direct but that was usually Lindy's style. The girl seemed nice, she at least apologized for bumping her. Not everyone in NYC would do that, just because it's such a normal thing. Or because said person was an asshole. Neither of those groups mattered in this situation though; Sooo, whatever! Lindy smiled once more, head slightly tilting to the side as she kept her eyes on the taller girl. Lindy realized she didn't even ask her name... Maybe she should've done that first? She always kind of was actions before words, so maybe this was just natural. She was just trying to be helpful; Though she had no idea what she was holding, that didn't mean it couldn't be important to her.