Hello prospective students. The prestigious Lilium Girls Academy is enrolling new young ladies, and you can be one of them! [img]http://oi40.tinypic.com/2sbmw6g.jpg[/img] [i]Yuri - Also known as Girls' Love, Content and a genre involving love between women in manga, anime, and related Japanese media.[/i] Are you familiar with such titles as [i]Maria-sama ga Miteru[/i], [i]Aoi Hana[/i], [i]Strawberry Panic[/i], [i]Pieta[/i], and all those inbetween? Do you know the meaning of such terns as yandere, tsundere, and do you find yourself referring to people using such honorifics as senpai and sama? If the answer is yes, perhaps this RP might be right up your alley. And even if the answer is no, it still might be up your alley. The scenario is simple. At a private academy for young women, the student body goes about their daily lives, from attending classes and clubs, to taking trips and enjoying their youth. The RP will take place in and around this academy and on the characters as they develop relationships with one another. Friends? Enemies? Romatically involved? That is for the characters to experience and decide. Trips will be taken so as to get outside the academy atmosphere, and other events and situations will happen from time to time. Things have to be exciting in the wonderful world of relationships, right? Currently in the RP, we are near the end of the first school day, so any new students wouldn't have missed much at all, despite all the posts. It'll be easy to jump in and get started, and the current students will help you get situated. If you're interested in attending this wonderful educational institution, [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/6641/posts/ooc?page=1#post-113224]APPLY TODAY![/url]