Maya sighed. It was the same sigh that tended to punctuate her conversations with adults and explorations in libraries, the kind of noise that meant she was realizing she was useless in a situation and would have to rely on another person for help. Taser had its uses, there was no denying that, but their next journey wouldn't be needing any of them. It felt like someone was moving the goalposts every time she managed to get something done. "I've done a lot of weird stuff with pokemon, never hovered on an anchor though," she said. It looked terrifying, which was good for battling. She wasn't so sure if that was a positive if she was going to climb on top of it, though. "We're going to be climbing it, right?" "So obviously I haven't even started training Taser yet, but it's well-behaved enough to where it'd definitely help us against any flying types trying to eat us." Ah, the self-preservation instinct, the fundamental law of life that made even the most undertrained pokemon fight tooth and nail. It was a good thing none of her old instructors were here to see her stake her life on it.