[hr][hr][h1][b][i][center][color=pink]Cuyler Eysteinsson[/color][/center][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/YN2Fc8OpjdakW94sK4/giphy.gif[/img][/center] [hr][center][color=pink]Location:[/color] The Rainbow Bridge -- Asgard [color=pink]Skills:[/color] [/center][hr] Thia finished her meal quickly while Sága and Heimdall spoke before she stood and stretched herself out. She gave out a loud yawn before nudging Cuyler and trotted off, ready to retire for the night. It had been a rather eventful evening down on Midgard and the Night Transformer was rather done with the night. Cuyler meanwhile stood there with the arrow still protruding from his eye. He looked over at Arnora after Sága dismissed her. [color=pink]”Could you let my mother know what’s going on and tell her she's wrong about Arya being dead.”[/color] After all of this, Cuyler would be having a long conversation with his mother. She had no right keeping Arya's supposed death from him. Whatever her reasoning was now moot. The pain had become manageable now but Cuyler still found it disorienting having an arrow protruding from his eye. He grasped onto the shaft of the arrow and snapped the end of it before tossing it aside. At least now he couldn’t see an object sticking out of his eye anymore and with his depth perception off it was probably best to not smash it against something. He looked at Sága when she spoke to Cuyler of needing to go to the highest point of Asgard. Cuyler wasn’t even sure he knew where that was. He shrugged and nodded forward. [color=pink]”Lead the way.”[/color] [hr][hr][h1][b][i][center][color=#006400]Amarantha[/color][/center][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/aa3bcddf4194bbfd7f6c05f9446b94dd/tumblr_n51nsaXCkO1ts7f01o1_500.gif[/img][/center] [hr][center][color=#006400]Location:[/color] Dungeon One -- The Palace Dungeons [color=#006400]Skills:[/color] Resistance; Stamina; [/center][hr] Amarantha’s state of hunger had pretty well become a constant and was an old friend now. At least she could rely on herself always being hungry for something she couldn’t have. The dungeon door shut behind Myrus and Ahote and she heard the familiar sound of it being locked into place. She shifted around on the floor, moving until she found a comfortable position and laid back. While in the Young Army, Puck had locked them into isolation many times. The only difference now was the crushing weight of the chains taking everything out of Amarantha. Still, her knowledge of things long since past was an odd comfort for her. As she settled, she surveyed the room. The cracks, the dirt, the door and how it stood and the smell. That smell would be a permanent thing. Amarantha shifted again, trying to adjust to the weight of the chains and filled her mind with thoughts of escaping. If she were to try escaping, how would she do it and how far would she even get. If she got out and if she took down the guards she would need to feed from them, drain them both until nothing was left. Amarantha shuttered from the idea of it. As much as Amarantha had the instinct of survival, she had also developed a large amount of honor. It came with the promotion and having something that was truly her own for once. Not to mention the fact that she felt she deserved this punishment. Myrus nor Ahote had checked her person before chaining her up. Amarantha had a few things tucked away on her person, including the gauntlet on her wrist that held a hidden blade. If she wanted to, she could make an escape attempt but the thing was, she didn’t want to. So instead she shut her eyes and decided to try for some sleep. In the morning she would let her guards know who she wished to say goodbye to. [hr][hr][h1][b][i][center][color=#1E90FF]Ahote Proudstar[/color][/center][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://media1.tenor.com/images/601d9e5faa1ff64e5b0f357b9ed29af8/tenor.gif?itemid=12372283[/img][/center] [hr][center][color=#1E90FF]Location:[/color] The Palace Dungeons -- The Palace [color=#1E90FF]Skills:[/color] [/center][hr] Ahote stood by as the doors were locked, sealing Amarantha inside. He wasn’t sure she would even attempt an escape. She had seemed pretty dejected and accepting of what her fate had led her to. Still, this place was full of surprises. Ahote watched Myrus as the doors locked. [color=#1E90FF]”You’ve had a long day and it is rather late. Perhaps it is time to call it a night Mryus. There is nothing more we can do right now anyways,”[/color] Ahote stated. Amarantha would keep and the late hour wouldn’t produce anymore information for them. They headed out of the dungeons and met up with Valda and Luna once more. Once again, Ahote stood by while Myrus spoke to his sisters. It was a rather unfortunate thing but probably true that there was no cure for vampirism. [color=#1E90FF]"We’ll look though. Ask the [b]Physiks[/b] and the [b]Wizards[/b]. Someone may have come across something in their travels.”[/color] Ahote tried his best to stifle a yawn and just covered it by turning his head and yawning into his shoulder. He was tired but he wasn’t sure if he would sleep much with everything that had happened today.