[hr] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190929/ace8bbf066b3359e331d072d64b95f94.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/kRJqnuO.png?3[/img] "[color=FB8035]That complicate things.[/color]"[/center] [hr][sub][right] [b]Location: Song Residential Home [/b] [/right][/sub][hr] [indent]Sarah flinched at the sudden call of her name, she turned around to see the older vastayan, her eyes filled with both and confusion as she saw the snow coming down. She then handed the phone over to Sarah which was buzzing like crazy, Sarah answered the phone and immediately asked, "[color=FB8035]Does this have anything to do with us?[/color]" Ahri visibly shook as her heart rate monitored slowly calmed down, "[color=E1557D]Something big is coming, you guys need to find that guardian soon.[/color]" Sarah glanced over at Xayah then back to the sky, "[color=FB8035]We’ll do our best cap, time has been moving pretty slow, it was only last night where you got grabbed.[/color]" Ahri let out a sound of digression, "[color=E1557D]Okay, I’ll text you what we have to do when we find her, you got my back right?[/color]” Sarah let out a smile and walked over to Xayah then stood beside her, "[color=FB8035]Always.[/color]" Ahri smiled at the other end, she felt herself melt but she also felt weaker, everything was tiring her out so quickly, "[color=E1557D]Thanks Sarah, I... I gotta go now, Love you~[/color]” Sarah then glanced over at Xayah and replied, "[color=FB8035]I love you too.[/color]" With that they both hung up. Sarah turned to Xayah and put her arm around her, "[color=FB8035]We should get inside, it’s freezing as shit.[/color]" She then took Xayah by the shoulder, and walked inside. There everyone sat there, "[color=FB8035]Okay since no one anticipated for snow, who here didn’t bring a jacket or a coat or anything?[/color]" Sarah asked, Neeko then raised her hand to interject, "[color=F5BD32]N-Neeko no have jacket, but cold no affect Neeko![/color]" Sarah’s brows then quickly raised then went back down again to acknowledge that, "[color=FB8035]Okay uh... Anyone else?[/color]" [/indent]