Ishawari was a clumsy lout compared to the methodical proddings of his cohort. He advanced through trial and error, trying his best to emulate what Chief Gao told him. After narrowly dodging spiked floors, needled projectiles shooting from wall-to-wall, and whirling blades launched from unseen mechanisms, he, somehow, survived. “See...” He panted, hands on his knees as he gasped for air. There were needles lodged throughout his body. Most of them were stopped by the padded areas of his cloth armor, but some still got through exposed areas, as dark blood stains were strewn throughout his arms and legs. “Like a dragon.” In what must’ve been two hours worth of trekking through these godforsaken passageways, light was finally spotted at the end of the tunnel. The group entered a large area with a vaulted ceiling, discovering that the light source were lanterns hung on beams jutting along the walls. “Hello, friends! We seem to be lost. The furnishings around these parts are quite, hostile.” Two masked figures in black garb emerged from the shadowy corners where the light dare not shine. The man who spoke, the shorter of the two, wore a blue demon mask. “Oh, no, you poor thing. It looks like you’re hurt. Do you need a healing aid?” The other one’s voice was more feminine, and alluringly delicate; an eerie juxtaposition to the glaring red demon mask that covered her face. She towered over everybody, but was so slim in the darkness, that it was hard to make out the shape of her body. “Don’t you think you’re a bit old, playing hide and seek with masks on?” Ishawari straightened up, slamming the butt of his spear into the stone floor. “Don’t you think it’s a bit foolish, trying to escape the royal court?” The female snapped, her voice now fiery and menacing, as she twirled a sai weapon with one hand. “We know he’s with you.” The short man pointed one of his daggers at the wheat basket. “If you hand him over, we promise to let you live.” [i]Shit, this isn’t good.[/i] Ishawari wasn’t in serious pain, but fighting trained assassins wasn’t an ideal situation, not with the prince in present company. He glanced over at the tunnel. They could try and make a run for it, but who knows how many traps were left waiting for them. Wait. Ishawari thought back to what the man said: [i]“-The furnishings around these parts are quite, hostile.”[/i] Maybe they set the traps off, making for a clear exit, but what if more assassins waited for them outside? He looked back at Jin as if to ask, do we stand and fight, or do we run? Either way, he prepared his mind and body for what came next.