Chaotic Blue finally reached the outer border of Carter Hills before the quarantine barrier the police were maintaining. She landed right next to several officers, still invisible and her boots not making sound upon impact, as she wanted to overhear any crucial information she could use in rescuing Jennifer Tilley. "Several superpowered persons entered the area and fought against Tox's mutant creatures. We're still not sure if they're under his control or if they're a result of the radioactive explosion he caused," a junior officer reported to his captain. "Che. As if things aren't complicated enough without those costumed freaks waltzing in and doing whatever they want," the captain scoffed. "What's the status on the search for survivors?" "The SWAT team hasn't been able to investigate underground due to the toxic mutants infesting the area. There might be a chance to find survivors, but we can't proceed until we thin out the mutants' numbers." Chaotic Blue took note of the junior's words and leaped onto a streetlight before venturing into the quarantine zone proper. It made sense to her that if anyone survived Tox's attack, they would have to retreat underground - ironic, considering that toxins were mostly found in sewers and poorly-maintained warehouses. Now the reverse was true. The ninja didn't let this get to her and continued into the zone. That was when Chaotic Blue spotted several super-beings on the streets below where she perched. She remained invisible, not wanting to attract any attention from various odd folks like a girl in a pizza delivery outfit, some gentleman with a crude mask over his mouth, another man summoning horrors from some dimensional pocket to fight the melting-zombie horrors, and several others. If Chaotic Blue had a weakness, it was that she couldn't tolerate crowds. This impromptu ensemble wasn't to her taste, so she opted to stay low, finish her job and get the hell out of there.