The Ranger slowly lowered her arm again, focusing on her balance and moving slowly. Too fast and she would risk tearing apart the fragile bridge she found, of some long bunch of vines. She'd have to have Kawaken water it later, if she had the time. "How can my luck be so good but so bad..?" Her balance was just getting away from her when Said grabbed on to her. "Whoa, hey, wait! Don't suddenly add-!" oh, there was an Abra in her arms already. "- weight." The sudden addition of this widespread though highly elusive psychic type's weight, just short of twenty kilos, or (whoa, it's actually exactly) 43 lbs., would probably be enough. This hole couldn't be[i] too[/i] deep, could it? The vine she was standing on snapped under the sudden added strain. She just hoped Saur would have the good sense not to get himself hurt.