His gaze was focused like a laser, any finer and a beam of light would have shot out of his eyes into the skull of Simon. The tension in the air was thickening and not just from the help of Air Bag either. It was starting to become the start of an old fashioned duel. It was ages since he had last been a participant in one, his hand hungry to stretch its fingers and speed. Joseppi in the moment didn’t care much of what Simon has to say for himself as he knew all too well from a life of law enforcement that people would say anything to get out of the trouble they made for themselves. The challenge of a duel was dancing on the top of his tongue, his mouth forming the sentence before letting it out. Just as he was about to talk he was interrupted by the girl who seemed to be quite taken with the stammering mustache. Unintentionally, Joseppi whipped his gaze towards Jules, his eyes now fixated on her instead . “Now listen miss, we were having a nice conversation until that poster hit you in the face. Making you mad was not my intention at all. I would like to make that up to you and ask what you saw, but as for being friends with him” he said exasperated with his thumb pointing over his shoulder, “I don’t quite see that future in the cards right now.” The cowardly lion finally seemed to find the courage he had when he crossed Joseppi on the first leg of the race. He turned back to Simon as he spoke. “Why wait till after then to tell me about it? Unless you’re hiding someone or [i]something[/] in that body of yours. Go ahead and call them on out” Joseppi dug into him trying to see if Simon would call his bluff on knowing he was a stand user. Not only was his accent as heavy and annoying as he was but the excuses he was using were just the same. “Now let me get this right. You came and joined this race expecting to avoid aggression and violence the whole time?!” Joseppi guffawed violently. “What kind of idiot do you take me for?” He asked. Joseppi had almost forgot he had an audience until the bartender interjected. “I don’t want any trouble in this here establishment. You already knocked down the door so please leave.” Joseppi turned his back to the two brushing off jules arm in the process. “You’re right good sir how rude of me, I’ll just take this out—-“ suddenly a stray bottle flew from behind Joseppi and smashed into his back shattering on impact. It seemed as though one of the patrons was getting antsy in anticipation of the fight and got ahead of himself. The original target was meant for Simon but somehow he had missed, probably from intoxication, but nevertheless it hit Joseppi instead. The room once again fell deathly silent. Joseppi smile froze on his face and his eyelids appeared stapled shut. After what felt like forever, branches off veins popped through his skin in anger as he whipped around and summoned airbag. Both arms aiming for each competitor behind him. Only one word could be heard echoing throughout the area, “ORA!”