[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191024/0f3b6d56b68bb69c69feb5c35ec55816.png[/img][/center] [hr] Her eyes were red and swollen. Kassandra didn't need to get up and look at her reflection to confirm such fact; she [I]felt[/I] it. The black satin sheet was draped over the contours of her body as she lay on one side; her short hair sprawled around her as a result of her tossing and turning throughout the night. Last night had been emotionally painful to the point that it drained her. She had been involved in a major fight with Desmond which at some point had become physical. He didn't hit her, but he did push her against the wall after she shoved him. She, however, spent hours crying over his words. It had been roughly an hour since she'd woken up before her phone went off a couple of times. Kassandra chose to ignore it, not sure whether it was Desmond on the other end. She didn't know what to say just yet, but instead of moping around, she pushed the bedsheets to the side and got up, getting a good stretch in once she sat on the side of the bed. Kassandra sat around for a moment, contemplating what she'd do that morning when her phone started ringing. She picked it up and noticed it was a video call from Clarisse, the manager at her bar. "Talk to me." [I]"Wow, rough night?"[/I] "Yeah, killer hangover," she lied, smiling a little. [I]"Right. So that order you placed never came in yesterday, and I wouldn't bother you but the password to the system expired so if you could pass by real quick that'd be great."[/I] "Gee girl, take a breath." Both women laughed before they talked a little more as Kassandra walked around to start her morning. She would spend a little while trying to decide what to wear, as usual, but then she'd make her way down to the bar to sort out the mess from the previous night.