[center][h2][color=ed1c24][i][b]Drake ā€œDā€ Edwards[/b][/i][/color][/h2] [img] https://image.ibb.co/mbnbKq/drake3post.jpg [/img][/center] [hr][center][color=ed1c24][b]Interaction/Mentions:[/b] [@Damo021] | [b]Location:[/b][/color] Ashford Institute > Cafeteria [/center][hr][hr] Drake's eyelids fluttered rapidly, a gesture that summoned both his consciousness and reality, guiding them together in a delayed and silent collision. Any just like that, he was back. "[color=f7976a]Hrm,[/color]" he grunted, his eyes wide, taking in the scenery as he looked cautiously and perhaps fearfully around the room as he tried to search for clues as to his current situation. He didn't quite recall how he had gotten here or how long he had stayed. As he took in his surroundings, his gaze fell upon a familiar sight. Though her face was concealed against the surface of the table, he knew that hair, that shape, the voice. "[color=f7976a]Whuh,[/color]" he finally managed to stutter out. His mind tried to reach back ten seconds in time and reanalyze what he'd heard. "[color=f7976a]Your... hole... hurts?[/color]" His face was painted with skepticism at his own guess. "[color=f7976a]I don't...[/color]" he started, struggling to process anything as his mind was still booting back up. "[color=f7976a]I mean, Hi Cleo. What, uh, what're you doing here? Or... How long have [i]we [/i]been here?[/color]" His joints ached and his muscles were tight. He rolled his neck around trying to induce a chiropractic pop or two while also stretching out his arms, becoming a human impression of the letter Y. As his neck rolled, his face moved within close quarters of his armpit. His nose almost immediately scrunched up at the smell. It was as if he used swamp water as deodorant. He quickly put his arms down as a courtesy to his nostrils and anyone else in his vicinity. "[color=f7976a]Dear God[/color]" he exclaimed with a look of bewilderment and disgust at his own state. He looked to Cleo once more, still trying to process one last visual. "[color=f7976a]What are you doing to that table?[/color]"