The opening ceremony for the Gym challenge was a spectacle that Cedric had witnessed before. It seemed that a lot more people in Galar turned up to these gym battles. In Sinnoh it was rare for gym battles to ever get a few spectators but here it seemed quite the opposite. Maybe this was going to be harder than he first anticipated. After the ceremony Marlon suggested that they make their way towards the first gym in Turfield. Cedric looked at his companions who had both started making strides into making their Galar team. Meanwhile he hadn’t caught anything still and he knew he’d need help no matter how strong Luna was. “You guys go ahead, I’m going to take a quick detour through the wild area. I need some new team members if we’re going to stand a chance in this challenge. I’ll catch you guys up along the next route.” He said as he ventured off towards the open wild area. Cedric was stunned at the wild area and it’s natural beauty. To see Pokemon being able to roam freely in a huge space they can call home almost made him sad that every region didn’t have the same. As he walked around with Luna he found a nice quiet spot atop of a hill, with a view that spanned the whole wild Area. “Look at that Luna... Isn’t it just... breathtaking..?” He asked Luna, who didn’t seem to answer Cedric turned to his partner who seemed distracted by a nearby rock formation. “It’s just rocks Luna...” he giggled “... you’ve seen rocks before” he laughed once more. This time as Cedric laughed he felt something on his shoulder. He turned quickly to see that a Pokemon sat on his shoulder “Hey there little guy, and what might you be?” He smiled as he said to the somewhat excited little guy. Cedrics Rotom phone jumped out his pocket. “Zzzzz- Dreepy, the lingering Pokemon - zzzz” “Dreepy eh? Your a cute little guy aren’t you?” He said as he pet the Dreepy who seemed to be happy with Cedrics presence. “Hey buddy, you wanna come with me and Luna? We’re gonna take on the gym challenge?” The dreepy started to float around ecstaticlly as if he agreed with the idea. “Well that’s set then, we best be going to meet the others before they get to to Turfield before us!” He said to Luna and set off with haste. Cedric rushed to Route 2 and managed to catch up with Marlon and Marilyn, before they were stopped once more by two big guys dressed in black and pink pink clothing.