[h3][sub]OoC[/sub][/h3] [b]How long do you usually write?[/b] Several paragraphs [b] Do you enjoy writing collaborative posts for things like conversations, combat, etc.? [/b] Yes. [b] Is grammar and depth of writing important to you? [/b] Yes. [b] Are there any writing subjects you particularly enjoy exploring? [/b] Yes. See other sheets. [b] Is there anything you [i]really[/i] dislike and want to avoid like the plague? [/b] This character will be a background manipulator, so he is not meant to be discovered, or if discovered: identified. [b] Is there something you are uncomfortable with happening to your character? [/b] Being discovered. [b] Do you have any short-term or long-term goals with this character? [/b] Messing with Dashara’s mind. Serving the Imperial cause in an enigmatic way. [hider=Imperial personnel files] [b] Name: [/b] Identity unknown, “the minder” or “the puppetmaster” [b] Species: [/b] [i]Unknown.[/i] Humanoid. [b] Homeworld: [/b] [i]Unknown.[/i] [b] Age: [/b] [i]Unknown.[/i] Skills imply at least 40+ years old. [b] Gender: [/b] [i]Unknown.[/i] Presumed Male. [b] Rank: [/b] Minder / Sith Apprentice (Presumed) [b] Master: [/b] [i]Unknown.[/i] [b] Former master(s): [/b] [i]Unknown.[/i] [b] Apprentice(s): [/b] [i]Unknown.[/i] [b] Sphere of influence: [/b] Sphere of Imperial Intelligence. [/hider] [hider=Imperial Intelligence Reports] [h3][sub]Detailed appearance. Imagery insufficient.[/sub][/h3] Appearance varies wildly, but is always fully covered, with no skin showing and body shape obscured. Usually of average height and unremarkable in whatever crowd he appears in. Uses technology to scramble or distort voice. [h3][sub]Report on natural ability with the Force, as well as all known Force Techniques and the skill levels.[/sub][/h3] Basics: Intermediate Training Telepathy: Intermediate Training Crucitorn: Intermediate Training Drain Knowledge: Intermediate Talent Force Cloak: Intermediate Training Force Stealth: Intermediate Training Force Stasis: Intermediate Training Force Lightning: Intermediate Training Telepathic Defense: Mastered Talent Telekinetic Defense: Expert Talent Force Fear: Expert Training Tutaminis: Expert Training Mind Trick: Mastered Talent [h3][sub]Report on skills not directly rooted in the Force, including level of skill[/sub][/h3] Slicing: Presumed Expert skill, or access to underlings with that skill or above. Subterfuge: Expert Blackmail: Expert Analysis: Master Piloting: Intermediate or above [h3][sub]Report on known combat experience, training and lightsaber training.[/sub][/h3] [i]Unknown.[/i] Intermediate training with Ataru and Djem So. [h3][sub]Detailed notes on political influence and associates. [/sub][/h3] [i]Unknown.[/i] It can be presumed that he has numerous ties within Imperial Intelligence, including cipher agents, assassins, spies and more. Probably serves either a Sith Lord or a Darth, but unknown who. [h3][sub]Detailed notes on known rivals and enemies, outside and within the Empire.[/sub][/h3] [i]Unknown.[/i] [b]Airus Vel aath. [/b] Presumed as a rival, due to his association with Dashara Horizon. May be the Sith behind the books published under Airus’ pen name that Airus did not write. [h3][sub]List and description of other known associates, including underlings.[/sub][/h3] Dashara Horizon - She is a semi-unwilling underling of his, blackmailed into occasional service. Hand-off approach. [h3][sub]List of known all ownerships, including vessels, non-standard equipment, slaves and locations.[/sub][/h3] [i]Unknown.[/i] [h3][sub]Psychological evaluation of candidate.[/sub][/h3] Largely Unknown. Evidence implies that he (or she) is highly manipulative. [h3][sub]List and description of known and suspected flaws. To be put into restricted database.[/sub][/h3] [list][*]Chose [i]Dashara Horizon[/i] as underling. [*][b]Manipulative.[/b] He works mostly through operatives and agents, but has a fondness for direct encounters with certain operatives. [*][b]Bound to the shadows.[/b] Doesn’t like operating in the open. He fights to run away. [*][b]Vindictive.[/b] If thwarted, he will hurt others [*][b]Cruel.[/b] He has no qualms about destroying lives to achieve his goals. [*][b]The Ends justify the means.[/b] Nothing is sacred to him if it is in the way of his goals. [/list] [h3][sub]Known interests of the candidate.[/sub][/h3] Serving the Imperial cause through subterfuge and sub-legal means. Manipulation Dashara Horizon. [h3][sub]Major achievements on record.[/sub][/h3] [i]Unknown.[/i] [h3][sub]Major failures on record. Confidential.[/sub][/h3] [i]Unknown.[/i] [/hider] [h3][sub]Personal biography[/sub][/h3] [i]Identity unknown.[/i]