Based on the feedback, I've now made church's false Paleblood hunter modification a surprise and modified gang times by dropping the smuggling in favor of robbing and occasional protection job. [Hider=Marcus the Rat] [b][u]Race:[/u][/b] False Paleblood Hunter [b][u]Age:[/u][/b] 25-ish. [hider=Appearance] Marcus is dark skinned, thin faced man, 5 feet 8 inches and 165 pounds. His hair is cut short, facial hair has been cut off, only some sideburns go down half an inch under the ears. Face is almost triangular and thin-lipped mouth is surrounded with noticeable cheekbones and sharp nose. His brown eyes, always alarmed are under thin eyebrows. His face is usually neutral, alarmed, inspecting surroundings. He has a lean body and muscles to climb, run and dance around his opponents, but not strength to wield large weapons or armor. He wears long, dark leather jacket, red scarf, a bowler, long leather shoes and brown gloves. Each garment is tainted with burn marks from his past life. There are satchels on his belt for his ammunition and equipment. [/hider] [hider=Biography] Marcus was born in a lowly family. They were always poor and his siblings had a hard childhood, as their mother and father eased their own suffering with blood and odd jobs to get it. Kids were quickly thrown to the alleys and bad crowd, where they learned to become thieves and muggers. They ran in groups, hid from beasts and hunters alike and attacked whatever they left behind. At some point the gang got their hands on pistols, then molotov coctails and other flammable things. While their major tactic still was to make run for it, they were no longer defenseless; Few times they killed beasts by immobilizing them for a moment and burning them dead. Marcus enjoyed seeing them beasts in fire. It made him feel powerful, their screams of agony a testament to his victory. Things got worse five years ago, when the Hunt was at it's peak. Marcus lost many of his gang members to beasts and hunters alike, one of the latter killing his sister. Marcus couldn't help put watch as the man spliced Ella and continued finding prey. He spent last moments holding her with Ella weeping in pain, before she was gone. During following months he grieved and vowed revenge to the hunter who had killed sister. Stockpiling ammunition and molotov coctail, he returned to the old ways: He formed a gang himself and started pilfering and mugging. With hope to gain enough resources and eyes to eventually track down his sister's killer. Things had changed after the Night of the Hunt. The town was crowding with newcomers from far away lands, desperate for the cure that the reformed Healing Church offered. In the face of Marcus's gang they resisted little and gave anything and everything. Those that had power to resist offered good coin for safe travel to Yharnam. But there were new gangs in Yharnam and among them one unlike any other: The Fire Dancers. Marcus's gang was no match for these hunters that used their superior weapons and abilities to rob from both the healing church and Yharnamites. During the years the Fire Dancers surprised Marcus's gang few times, each ending up with Marcus's gang losing their members. He was, regrettably, left no other choice but to run from these assailants, hence he was given the nickname "the Rat". While there were good times for the gang, last encounter with Fire Dancers left gang with handful of members. Whoever was left decided to move on and the gang disbanded. What resources the gang had was split between the final members. Marcus had seen the power of the Hunters many times and he had finally the epiphany: To defeat the hunter he had to become one. Hence he went to meet the Black Healing Church. Marcus had heard rumors of what hunters went through. He thought he was ready for whatever was coming. He was wrong.[/hider] [b][u]Skills:[/u][/b] Marcus is a good shot and experienced fighter. His throwing arm is good, which helps when he needs to use Molotov coctails. [b][u]Abilities:[/u][/b] Marcus is agile and enduring. His strength is moderate and his vitality allows him to go on against moderate wounds, but he prefers dodging the assailant's slashes. [b][u]Equipment:[/u][/b] Pouch of gunpowder, pouch of pellets. Rifle with leather strap to carry it around. A sword held underneath his belt. [/hider]