[quote=@role model] [@Apollosarcher] OK, I'm looking at fandom and the headliner states that by the time Clone Wars occurred many Mandalorians rehabilitated and quit their warmongering ways. However it's an AU and combat looks like it's going to be a central element of the story. I don't have a question because I think the answer is Yes, there will be Mando combat. I think that with the government being directed by Mandalore, there would have to be heavy levels of politicking and security. I don't know. [/quote] As Apollo literally just mentioned, and I will quote his post for this [quote=@Apollosarcher] Fanon isn't considered a source for this. [/quote] So using the fandom as a source for your research is not a valid source, I can direct you towards wookiepedia, which is a wiki dedicated to Star Wars. Both Canon and Legends (which is where the canon for this rp draws from). Further, the opening post to this interest check does say that Mandalore is now ruled by Mandalore the Paladin, a distinct change from canon and Legends. While Mandalore is not nessecarily warmongering, they are not the pacifists we previously saw. This meaning that if War comes, the Mandalorians will not hesitate to answer in kind. With the Republic of Mandalore being an established entity, there will be chances to do politics and the like. Just figured I would clear things up for you that Mandalore are not by any stretch the pacifists we saw around this time in canon.