> Catcow Tsundere: Can anybody help me > Assassino de Goblins: Alguém aqui do Brasil? > Area 52 Security: No one hear speaks Brazilian > Area 52 Security: *here > Professional Cuddler: I think they speak Portugeese dude > BloodGoreZ: lol > BloodGoreZ: It's Portuguese > BloodGoreZ: They don't speak birb > Professional Cuddler: I know how to spell it > Professional Cuddler: It was a typo > BloodGoreZ: Suuuure > Professional Cuddler: You f****** mispelled bird and you don't see me calling you out > BloodGoreZ: *misspelled > Xx_headshot69_xX: fite fite fite fite > Catcow Tsundere: Shut up > Catcow Tsundere: Go back to Xbox you edgelord > hgyfjntf: 便宜的橡木卧室家具套装。便宜的橡木卧室家具供应商,请尝试www. cheapoakbedroomfurniture. co. uk Kath let out a sigh as she continued pouring over the book in her hands. All of the characters within its pages were all so different and realistic, each one well written and compelling in their own way. She couldn't get enough of the drama between adventurers as they communicated all across the world. Oh how she wished she could go out and explore the world like they did, help support her fellow adventurers in the heat of battle, and learn even more new things that were never printed into one of the many books she guarded over. That was exactly why she couldn't leave though. Who would watch over the The Athenaeum of Historia if she were gone? She couldn't leave it one of the other Chapter Keepers, they already had enough on their plate just watching over their own floors. That went for the Manager of Serving Staff, Roaming Executioner, Vault Keeper, Gardener, Beast Master, and Military General as well. Each person played an extremely important role in the upkeep of the Chateau. If anyone skirted their duties to go play hero, there's no telling how much trouble the guild could be put in. Besides, what if her replacement found the Forbidden Section? What if they looked inside? All of those little secrets revealed and brought into the light of day. She couldn't have that. Absolutely not. So the dragonoid would remain within her library, placing her current tome back onto the shelf and selecting a new one, this book titled [i]The Failed Raid of the Ancient Fates Guild[/i]. One of the best comedies she had in her collection, it always brought a smile to her rosy cheeks, even if she already knew of the many, many blunders described within its text logs. That is, until one of the many skeletal servants found his way through the simple labyrinth made for him as a member of Bandersnatch. "Oh, hello there. Am I needed somewhere?" she asked, looking over the top of the book within her hands. [hr] Compared to some of her fellow high level servants, Kath's entrance into the Climax Hour was rather tame. Closing her book as she finished reading the chapter, the dragonoid would tuck the large volume underneath her arm and approach Rodias' throne. "Good day, my lord Rodias, Sable Lord of Chateau Gothika. Kath Erine, librarian of The Athenaeum of Historia, is at your service. If you require any book within my collection, you only need to ask." Grabbing the hem of her dress, she curtsied before everyone assembled there in Chateau Gothika's gathering hall before taking her place among her fellow former NPCs. Judging by the chateau's sudden relocation, she assumed this meeting was to discuss the cause of such a transportation. Unfortunately, not one of the countless tomes secured within her library held the answers, so her guess was as good as anyone else's.