[i]Mmmmmmmmmrrrrrrrh...[/i] Standing in the elevator, tails lazily swaying from side to side, Ashara stood with crossed arms, looking at her own stretched out hand - apparently examening her fingers. She disliked these elevator-things. They were noisy, cramped and lacked grace. Sure, they were efficient and practical, no doubt, but such pragmatic things belonged to the aesthetically challenged Chapter Keeper of The Factory and his underlings. It certainly wasn't a tool she used when performing her duties normally, prefering instead to walk and move her own feet and body. Still, once the elevator reached the destination, the doors slid open and the fox-girl was all too happy to get out of the enclosed, vertical-moving carriage. Giving herself a proper once over, checking that her tails, ears and clothes were all clean and tidy, she strode forward with light steps, the bells around her feet jingling as usual with each step. Entering the throne room proper, she found that most of the other important people in the chateau had already gathered. Some folk were still missing, but by most accounts, she would have been one of the latest to arrive. There were the Chapter Keepers, some of the Area Keepers and even some higher-ranking minions present. Sitting at the end of the chamber, upon a throne as black as black could be, was one of the young masters himself, accompanied - or perhaps more specifically, surrounded by - the rather eccentric Chapter Keeper of floor six. Ashara didn't care much for the display of ugly devices obstructing the view of their master, nor their mere presence marring the otherwise splendor of the throne room. Still, Lord Rodias did not seem to have reprimanded her for this, so perhaps he enjoyed it? Regardless, proper etiquette and form was necessary when taking part in something important and grand like this. As such, she had not stopped while thinking of these things, but merely kept walking at her slow and elegant pace - before reaching a suitable distance from her sire. A bit further back than most of the other Chapter Keepers, as they were her superiors and deserved the honor of being closer to the Supreme Ones. Sitting down on her shins and knees, Ashara bowed slowly and gracefully towards the Sable Throne and its occupant, lifting her head only after an appropriate amount of time had passed to show her fealty and reverence. "I, Ashara Mamamune, of the Shadowtower Shrine, have answered your call and am at your disposal, my young master Rodias." She said with warm eyes and a light smile. She didn't show it outwardly, but she was a bit curious as to why this sudeen summons had come about... And why Lord Rodias was the only one present. Lady Deka_Ribbon was nowhere to be seen, just as always... How long had it been now since she last showed herself? ... Come to think of it, the view outside the throne room windows looked... Different... Somehow...