There we go, Ashara is in the Throne Room too~ I guess that just leaves ... Vae? Or did I miss someone else? Also, SubjectVision. 1. Did you read any of the already approved character sheets? Just asking, since Alteir's personality is very similar to Ashara's. I don't mind, having some more well-mannered people around is always nice, but just curious if you were aware or not. 2. Your 'Creator Information' doesn't really add up, to me at least. If Epur paid [i]someone else[/i] to make his NPC for him, the he isn't the [i]Creator[/i], he would simply be the "owner" of her. It'd be the person who programmed her who is the actual 'creator', and unless said person was also a member of Bandersnatch, Alteir would actually be an "adopted" MPC. I don't mind this either, it's an interesting idea, but I feel it might be wrong to credit EPur as her creator, when he in fact, [b]didn't create her.[/b] That's all, now to sleep for the whole afternoon.