[@Unknown DM][@La Fleur][@Hellion][@Whoami][@Dark Light][@Ghost Shadow][@Rockin Strings] So, i am unsure as to wether or not Quaint Quasar is still onboard. Despite the numerous tags and alleged PM’s that have been sent, there has been no sign of him. This thread has been up for roughly nine days now and there has been no communication since his character posting. That being said, I do realize it is the Thanksgiving holiday season. Perhaps he is simply occupied by real life. [@La Fleur] and [@Rockin Strings], I suggest the pair of you continue forth with your initial plan and continue without QQ. [b]I am not booting Quaint Quasar. He is still welcome in this RP.[/b] But I do not wish to see this RP crumble under uncertainty and loss of interest. Everyone else I would suggest proceed on with the story. I will attempt to contact ASAP and politely remind him that we are effectively awaiting him. I repeat; he is still welcome and wanted here. And as a GM I am very understanding and patient. But everyone else shouldn’t be hamstrung by one person. He will simply have to catch up.