[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191116/3a023469d0f14870b5c74da2d6063b5d.png[/img] [img]https://data.whicdn.com/images/334788820/original.gif[/img] [hr][hr] [@Stern Algorithm] [hr][hr] [color=orange][i]”Well that was badass”[/i][/color] [color=8BAC42]”I agree”[/color] Theo attempted to fist bump the figment of his imagination as they stood in awe of Ziggy’s abilities. It made sense now why the two may have been put together, with both of their gifts having something to do with sound. In the spirit of sharing, the former baseball star moved over to his bags and grabbed one of the smaller ones, taking it over to the bedside table. [color=8BAC42]”That’s a sweet toy, here are mine”[/color] He unzipped the bad and emptied it’s contents into the table; tiny, marble sized jack o lanterns. [color=8BAC42]”These are all, essentially miniature explosives. All on a timer, expandable and I have a decent range with them especially if I hit them with my bat over there”[/color] he motioned to the baseball bat against the wall. [color=8BAC42]”They have different functions, concussive, incendiary, electro shock to name a few. I’ve been working on a sonic one, trying to harness my laugh but...sorry this is a lot...erm...but yeah, I tinker with this stuff, it’s kinda just intuitive. I’m actually quite dumb”[/color] [color=orange][i]”Damn right you are”[/i][/color] Normie began walking out of the open door. [color=orange][i]”Bored now, gonna go fuck with shit. See you in the shower, hot roommate”[/i][/color] Giggling like the school boy he was, the last son of the house Osborn ran from out of the dormitory and disappeared from view. Theo cocked an eyebrow, Normie was even more of a pain dead than he was alive. It seemed like the dead just couldn’t leave him alone. [color=8BAC42]”It’s gonna be great getting to know you, Ziggy. We’re gonna have fun together”[/color] The absence of a voice in his head was always very brief but in those few minutes, Theo felt like himself again, he felt like the Big Tuna, like McDungus, he had many names but the one he felt like the most was his own. He felt like Theo Blanchard. Wanting to make the most of the clarity, Theo awkwardly crossed his arms across his chest in an attempt at the Wakandan national salute and did a stupidly deep bow. [color=8BAC42]”I’m sorry, this really ain’t my thing but I’m gonna go, you know, explore, see what mischief can be made. I’ll let you get comfy without, you know, me...lurking….God I’m hungry...sorry...yeah catch you in a bit roomie”[/color] Swiftly, the New Yorker made his escape from the room, kicking one of his own bags and stubbing his toe as he did, like the absolute tit that he was. In search of food, Theo placed his headphones back onto his head in time for the start of [url=https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mcMh6GZoFC8]the next song[/url] on his playlist. The 80’s were his jam and he'd be damned if anyone told him it sucked. With the weight of the Goblin Childe off of his shoulders for a moment, he danced down the corridor and out into the world of Mobius, interested to see what else it had to offer.[/center]