[color=E5D0FF][CENTER][h3][b]E L I[/b][/h3][/CENTER][/color] [hr] [b]"Unlucky."[/b] Archie said, his smile speaking volumes. [b]“Real unlucky.”[/b] The smart girl repeated. Eli glanced between the three with a sympathetic smile. These poor souls weren't even given some downtime on The Promise before it's curse leaked into their lives. They must have done pretty well on Earth to come aboard The Promise at such an old age. Or they were just great hiders. Either way, they didn't deserve such a shitty welcome to The Promise. [b]"Yeah, I hope Lynn's okay too. . . . Oh, yeah, hit it on somethin' on the way back. But that's... probably a good idea."[/b] Lynn must have been the blonde girl's name. Didn't she spit steaming saliva onto the ground before stomping off, too? If she could burn his hand like that, the girl must be walking magma. An ability like that fascinated Eli. She'd always been jealous of elemental parahumans. To be able to control the physical world around you must be dangerously exciting. Eli grew an amused smile as Archie perked up and removed his phone from his wallet. This guy was like a puppy. He handed her the phone with a polite smile and Eli took it without another word. She looked down to see that it was opened to a new contact page. Without hesitation, she entered her name and number. She even sent a text to herself so that she could save his number too before handing it back to him. She was going to tell him that he could contact her whenever he pleased, but he'd already turned to Natalie. Eli could barely contain her smile as it seemed that he took her advice. [i]There you go, Archie! A little awkward, but you got your point across.[/i] She glanced away to give the two some privacy, reminiscing the days when boys had been that awkward around her too. Her attention was quickly brought back by the friendly girl's words. [b]“I’m going to head off too, then. Eli, right? Are you sticking around?”[/b] Eli smiled, remembering that she had to ask for this girl's name before she left. [b]“Let’s keep in touch. I’d love to hear more about how The Promise is and all, and you sound like the perfect person to ask if you’ve already been here for four years.”[/b] Eli took her phone, giving her a friendly smile. "Feel free to message me whenever you'd like. I'm always open." She put her information into the phone and held the phone up to her. "I don't think I ever caught your name. We were all interrupted by Misters Black and White. You asked some pretty inquisitive questions. I wouldn't have even though to ask most of them." She stood up from the table, giving Natalie a wave goodbye before turning back to her new friend. [i]Gosh, all of these girls are tiny.[/i] "We could meet up tomorrow. I'm off of work, but I have my training scheduled at 2 o'clock. Maybe you could ask those questions in the evening?"