Rachel sat in her alleyway closest to her old workplace. She painted on makeup in front of the lower car's shiney, reflective surface. A lot of this makeup she makes herself, the rest she steals. Once done, she stands up and stretches, preparing for any running or fighting needed, as she is needing to cure her unusual boredom by messing with people. Late afternoon is the best time to leave her hideout. She knows that hiding is usually considered the coward's way, but this was the only way she had escaped capture. Before she could leave, she heard something quietly flying overhead, towards the southeast of her. Ducking down, she throws a dark gray blanket over her, hoping the people in the carrier were too busy on other things to notice. She didn't have to worry about this previously, but the blanket she is under had fallen from the hooks above the cars and her sleeping and storage area. "I really need to fix that," Rachel muttered to herself. No longer hearing anything, she stands up and raises the blanket to the hooks overhead, concentrating on getting the ripped holes to go on the hooks. This telekinesis used to seem like a curse to her, but now it is a source of fun and protection. She then lifts the cars, going under, and carefully putting them down, not wanting to damage the anti-gravity tech hidden underneath. Putting her hood up, she leaves the alleyway, acting like a normal person.