The hunt was almost second-nature to the pack, for as long as they had been together. They were approaching primarily from downstream, apart from those that circled around to cover other angles. Their movements were as quick as they could be, while still keeping silent enough to avoid alerting their quarry. A few times, the Indrik did raise its head to watch its surroundings, but each of the pack was able to remain quiet and out of sight. It took a few minutes to properly surround it, but they managed to get themselves in position before it decided to move on. Lorag moved up alongside Janius, while Kaleeth took the opportunity to slink silently into the river beside them. Meesei had been using a life detection spell to track everyone's positions, and was the one to give the signal to attack. She, Lorag, and Janius all sprinted forward, while Kaleeth swam upstream under the surface. Naturally, the Indrik did hear the sudden movement. The pack expected that either one of the three werewolves would catch it off of the initial ambush, or that it would run away into the waiting claws of one of the other lycans. However, it was neither option that transpired, at least initially. Lorag was out front, just ahead of Janius, but as he leaped to pounce on the alarmed Indrik, it suddenly vanished into a blue orb of energy, which Lorag passed straight through. The transformed Orc was not prepared for that outcome and ended up tumbling and rolling briefly after he hit the ground. Even Meesei ended up surprised and somewhat disoriented. She had known [i]of[/i] Indriks, and the fact that they were creatures of magic, but she did not know their precise abilities. An instant after it had disappeared, another blue portal appeared off to the side, from which the Indrik came running. It rammed Janius with its antlers, knocking him clean off of his feet. However, despite its surprise attack, the creature had no intention of standing and fighting against three werewolves. Just as quickly as it had reappeared, it bolted off towards the trees, in the direction of Sabine.