[@Xaltwind] [quote] 1. Did you read any of the already approved character sheets? Just asking, since Alteir's personality is very similar to Ashara's. I don't mind, having some more well-mannered people around is always nice, but just curious if you were aware or not. [/quote] I did read them, and went over them all a good couple of times to make sure I don't overlap with others in terms of characterization, roles in and out of combat, and spot Altair fills amidst the dynamic of the group. I'm quite aware of the similarities, and I'll make an effort to ensure that, despite her more passive behavior, Altair stands out as her own individual. Nevertheless, I'll rewrite the personality section a bit. [quote] 2. Your 'Creator Information' doesn't really add up, to me at least. If Epur paid [i]someone else[/i] to make his NPC for him, the he isn't the [i]Creator[/i], he would simply be the "owner" of her. It'd be the person who programmed her who is the actual 'creator', and unless said person was also a member of Bandersnatch, Alteir would actually be an "adopted" MPC. I don't mind this either, it's an interesting idea, but I feel it might be wrong to credit EPur as her creator, when he in fact, [b]didn't create her.[/b] [/quote] I did put quotations on the 'Creator' in relation to that, but I'll rewrite that section to further illustrate the situation