[h2]Sir Lancelot[/h2] The knight dispatched another shadow almost absent-mindedly as he reached his destination, ducking around a spear thrust and separating head from body. Some of these shadows still managed to represent a challenge to most Servants; the decayed abilities compared to their originals showing just how elite they must once have been. But some... without their Noble Phantasms or skills to call upon, a strong magus would have been able to cut them down. Not that this addressed the fundamental problem of numbers. Not all Servants were as gifted in direct combat as the knight classes, and the stronger shadows could pose a serious challenge to someone without any advantages of their own. So, the greatest help he could provide before moving in to rescue was to stem the tide of reinforcements; cut through the most damaged part of the stands. "Reach the end of the world and go beyond its limits," the knight said, the words helping him focus, controlling the turbulent magical energy in his sword as he took one last check at the angle, "Arondight - Overload!" The light was far less bright than when contained to a single target; the damage much less... but against these shadows, the wave of blue light was more than enough, burning through incorporeal flesh like a sword-stroke itself. It wasn't the outright annihilation of Excalibur or Galatine, but more than deadly on a massed force of this calibre. This section cleared, the knight descended back into the chaos, noting the sight of a coat-wearing man fleeing with a child. Too fast to catch up with easily, clearly a Servant, but not a fighter. But if he angled to cut across the stands, jumping down and using gravity to his advantage... "Is anyone else with you?" ... hopefully they would hear the message before speeding right past. At least Lancelot would be able to cleave the shadows in pursuit. [@1Charak2] [h2]Laetitia Arconiand[/h2] Well, this was not what she was looking forward to today. Watching her Servant show off and remind everyone of just how famous and powerful the legendary King Arthur was, yes. Have to deal with a teeming horde of replicating shadow Servants... well, that had definitely not been on the agenda. Fortunately, with her Servant actually in the fight, she had a front row seat and wasn't immediately turned into yet more summoning material. Providing backup to her Servant was really the limit of her ability in a situation like this, but it wasn't like that was much more draining than the arena fight would have been... her Saber was no less greedy with mana than she was with food and it was a good thing that she had so much to spare. The blonde made the brave decision to jump out of the stands and down [i]into[/i] the arena whilst keeping an eye out on her surroundings. One, it would make her easy to get to if any of the shadows did get close--she didn't need Saber trying to find her in that situation! Two, it meant that she was somewhat in an expanding ring of safety as the Servants here cleared up the mess. And three, it made it much easier to work out where to run when the coast was clear.