[url=https://fontmeme.com/signature-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191117/dd16521e7d86f8ab6fc54285c3e7d99c.png[/img][/url] Once she had vocalized her opinion on her fellow agent's apparent need of a watchful eye Kaz turned back to her plate and finished her meal, caring more about the few remaining bits of egg on her plate than a weak link whose first action was to kiss the ass of the first superior they could find. God, the NSF was really letting in anyone it seemed. Had Margo ever actually been in a fight? That seemed unlikely. Just how many incompetents and failures was she expected to work with. The lumbering bear of a woman was grateful that Takai seemed more talkative than she was at the moment. He was the people person, not here. Better to let him handle the children before she snapped and screamed at one of them. She shrugged at the mention of a better bed and a companion to fill it, fumbling around her pockets for another cigarette. [color=firebrick]"They all sound very nice."[/color] she replied, her hesitant Japanese concealing her lie. Lighting up and taking a puff Kaz leaned back in her chair, waiting for Takai to discretely signal Margo to leave. The sharp elbow to the ribs made her grunt in annoyance, turning her head to glare at the more experienced operative. [color=firebrick]"I would appreciate if you did not do that."[/color] Her tone was level but only just, her teeth grinding the butt of her cigarette as she drummed her fingers against the table. Just that little annoyance was enough for her to get pissed off, Bykov blowing smoke through her nostrils as she began to count to herself. [i][color=firebrick]One, two, three, four...[/color][/i] By the time she got to ten it had subsided, Kaz awkwardly clapping a hand on Margo's shoulder. [color=firebrick]"I apologize. You will do fine."[/color] Neither a stellar apology or especially reassuring, it was the best he was going to get. Kaz had already dropped Margo from her mind, focusing on Takai and the face on his datapad. [color=firebrick]"You're going on a mission? I will come with."[/color] Anything to escape the monotony of daily life in the HQ. All she could do there was sit in her room or send time in the gym. It wasn't like she had many friends. Kaz stood up and followed her temporary partner out o the cafeteria, passing Asagi and Chelsea on her way. A limp wristed wave was all the answer Asagi got, but it was better than what she gave Chelsea. Her fellow American, another utter fuck up who shouldn't have been let out of the house without a safety helmet and bright yellow vest. Margo being scared was one thing but this bitch got the girl she was supposed to be protecting killed cuz she was too shitfaced to function properly. Any fireteam she was on was instantly weaker, endangered by the incredibly liability that was the Californian whore who had been hired for her looks.[color=firebrick]"I hope you know that if I see you drink a single drop, I will boot your ass back on the street corner where it belongs so fast my foot's going to break the fucking sound barrier."[/color] she warned, switching to their shared language. [color=firebrick]"Just a little something for you to keep in mind."[/color] Once in the armory she set about checking out all her gear, craning her neck to shoot Takai a questioning glance. [color=firebrick]"Am I driving?"[/color] ----------------- [url=https://fontmeme.com/futuristic-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191117/bde4c8a92c70e36622f058c1ecb583ff.png[/img][/url] Daiyu had to force herself to get ready for the tea party that was being held. She knew that she really ought to go, both to socialize with her teammates and to keep her cover strong, but there was absolutely nothing enjoyable about any tea party she had ever attended. The food was always insubstantial pastries and delicate snack foods, most of the conversation dreary and dull. She didn't even like tea all that much, preferring coffee or energy drinks to keep her going. And it wasn't like the people attending made up for it. Out of all the obscenely wealthy gangsters, movie stars, tycoons, heirs and heiresses she dealt regular, it was the ones that stood on ceremony that were her least favorite. Whether they were stuffy New Englanders that insisted on a morning scotch before going to go play polo or hardline Japanese nationalists that talked about the the glory of the days of the samurai, 95% of them were assholes. There where many other things that she would could have done instead of consort with some douchebag who still insisted on making their drink with a bamboo whisk because "that's how it was in the good old days." But consort she must, since her whole identity was built around being one of those stuffy losers herself. So after a long shower and a few minutes spent sending put emails to clients and arranging the purchase of yet another "Geisha" bar that catered to drunk American sailor on leave she began to get ready. Her hair was tied up in a bun and speared through with ornamental pins, the tattoos on her back and ribs covered by one of the [url=https://shop.r10s.jp/so-bien/cabinet/tms/tmsset/tmsset010m_1.jpg]kimonos[/url] in her closet, deciding to forgo the risque look she sometimes favored when dealing with lecherous old men. Better to play it safe for now. Her phone was set to silent and the wooden [url=https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/78/Geta.JPG/300px-Geta.JPG]geta[/url] kept in her bag slipped onto her feet and off she went, clacking loudly down the hallways and into the Emperor's Garden. A name that seemed to promise pretension, how lovely. She arrived with a pleasant smile on her immaculately made up face and her robotic hand hand free for all to see (it made for good conversation), ready to exchange meaningless pleasantries in the name of societal custom. Taking a quick look around she took stock of who had shown up so far: Ashton Andrews-Hyuga, the NSF's resident hacker and schoolboy, was looking adorably out of place in the suit he had probably bought for himself and the tie he definitely had. Seohyung Kamenashi, Suicidal Seo. He looked like his nickname with the bandages. If Daiyu had to guess it had been him that made Command issue a warning about killing yourself in training. And of course the man of the hour, Takashi Skygge himself. Time to kiss ass and see how he responded. [color=Mediumseagreen]"Good afternoon and thank you for the invitation Skygge-san."[/color] she said politely, giving him a bow. [color=Mediumseagreen]"I'm grateful for your hospitality."[/color] As she rose up she let her eyes shine at the sight of his suit. [color=Mediumseagreen]"Is that Shiriku's handiwork? You have very good taste."[/color] She busied herself until 2 by staring at the hand drawn dragon, the first actually interesting thing she had seen so far. At least as far as artwork was concerned, Takashi seemed good enough. Without a coat to put away Daiyu simply took a sit, silently annoyed that her assumption about the food was correct. But like a good guest she showed nothing except an easygoing contentedness, playing the part of cultured billionaire.